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  • I would venture to guess that you were ripped off; however, the only way I can think of telling is by lighting up a joint and seeing what happens. Alternatively, I would think if you grew the marijuana with a bunch of mint in the hydroponics or sprayed some type of minty mouth stuff on the weed, it could taste like mint I would imagine... so it's hard to tell. I'd venture to guess you got ripped off unfortunately.
  • Why don't you ask the cops? I'm sure they'd love to ask you a few questions too.
  • I'll admit when I first read your question I was positive you'd been ripped off. But as I started doing some research, I found that at least two types of pot that smell and taste minty. They're called Matanuska Mint (Indica-sativa) and Early Riser (also Indica-Sativa.) These two types were rated very good in the "buzz" category. So you either got really good stuff, or were completely ripped off. The only way to truly find out is to smoke it. However, if you want more info on different types and what kind of buzz they can give you, what they taste like, etc. check out They have lots of information. Hope this helps :D
  • Well, actually if you roll it in a mint zig-zag, it might. However, I think you got scammed.
  • You probably had it cut with catnip, that's common, because smokable catnip looks a lot like marijuana, and it is a type of mint. So, you probably got ripped off, but there's a slight chance it could've just been a different kind of marijuana. In either case.. you'd know immediately after smoking it.
  • Note there are a number of strains of this cross breed variety. Most plants have a number of strains which are given individual names. That is why if you visit a nursery you will find a number of varieties of a strain of plant For example, fuji apples come in 5 strains; Nagafu #6, Nagafu #12, Myra, and Sun. You might want to run a search on "mint" in addition to indica-sativa; or check descriptions. The apple information was derived from, whose main crop is apples.
  • If you look at the leaves with a magnifying glass and see red spots on the leaves, then you probably have mint. Marijuana will have curved hairs that go to a point on the top side of the leaves and fine white hairs on the underside of the leaf. Creaky
  • No mint flavor or smell to marijuana. you were had.
  • You may not have been ripped off at all. Real good pot does not look or smell like the bunk schwag weed that most people get. It is usually compressed, brown and little to no crystals on it. A good bud will be very green, fluffy or at least not compacted into a brown cow pie looking thing. The good pot will usually smell minty or fruity. Not like mint exactly but minty. The good pot will also have little crystals all over it. Usually very visible and if you were to put the bud in a plastic bag and squich iut through the bag the bud would likely stcik if it was good. I have three kinds of good buds here. One of them is blueberry and it definetly smells and tastes like blueberry and a little minty. Not like the dirt weed you usually get that smalls like dirt and maybe hay or wet grass. I also have skunk bud which definetly smells like skunk does when you are not right next to one. The last bud I have is called hot dog and it smells minty and a little fruity. All of these are excellent pot strains. So no. Just because it smells like mint does not mean you got ripped off. If it looks like mint and is not a bud but just some leaves, you prolly gor ripped off. Even if it is pot and it is just the leaves, I would call that a rip off.
  • Some people pack their weed in with Altoids or other minty things during transport to mask the smell, that can very easily make your pot smell like mint.
  • Just smoke it and see
  • I've smoked all grades and all varieties of MJ and never had one that smelled like mint. How did it affect you? I'd be angry and try to get my money back and then cut that person off.

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