• This has been answered before: You get a perpetual motion machine as the toast-cat unit spins over the floor, and the Imp Of The Perverse gains dominion over the universe.
  • No string tape or glue could withstand the incredible forces brought to bare in the famous Cat-Toast paradox experiment. The toast and cat inevitably separated and both landed properly (or improperly if the experimenter had wished to eat the toast.)
  • About the cat: we've lost a cat once. It broke it's neck falling from only 8 feet. Doctor said the cat would be fine if it fell from the 3rd floor. A cat is able to turn itself around in mid air, but it needs some time to do so. The sandwich: had a few mishaps with those too, but I never saw it as a scientific issue; always thought the man upstairs didn't like me.
  • The study of this theory is known as butterology. The theory states that since a cat always lands on its feet, and buttered toast always lands butter side down, then if you strap buttered toast to a cats back, it will hang spinning in the air a few feet above the ground. Many scientists have speculated that if they could harness this phenomenon, they would achieve two of mankind's most elusive goals: 1) Creation of a perpetual motion machine, and; 2) Creation of an antigravity field. With this in mind, a team of researchers and scientists at the University of Northern South Dakota assembled a "Butterology Array" consisting of hundreds of cats with buttered toast strapped to their backs. They envisioned a simple and inexpensive power source, that was environmentally clean. They even anticipated the possibility of creating a spaceship drive that harnessed the anti-gravity properties of the phenomenon. With great hopes for the future of mankind, they prepared to launch the Butterology Array. Unfortunately, prior to the launch of the array, they found that the majority of the cats had licked all of the butter off of the toast strapped to their backs. Following this incident, the scientists reluctantly determined that the creation a Butterology Array was not a valid hypothesis to the theory.
  • Depends. Is it Schroedinger's cat?
  • The cat will be set for a picnic! :) Sorry, but it was funny to me.
  • What will happen is that you'll never get back all the time you wasted tying buttered toast to the back of a cat. Somebody call the SPCA and The International Toast Defamation League!
  • The cat will land on its feet but the toast will get all hairy from your cat :(.
  • the cat would twist itself around and lick off all the butter before landing on its feet. So the cat would land right side up and the toast non-butter side down
  • The paradox is that these two forces are clearly in exact opposition. One theory states that as it approaches the ground, each side will spin away from the ground to avoid it and the cat/toast will hover and rotate infinitely, producing an anti-gravity effect. However, this would violate the Law of Conservation of Energy, because the cat/toast needs additional energy to continue to hover and spin. The result is that two infinitely strong forces are in opposition. This will have a devastating effect on the universe and the space-time continuum, and create the apocalypse.
  • What would happen is that you would probably end up with a VERY annoyed cat. Annoyed cats suddenly sprout razor blades from every conceivable hair on their bodies and behave rather like a 3D chain saw. What would happen then is that you would need a trip to the doc's for stitches and a tetnus shot and then the pharmacy for antibiotics and probably a new cat too!
  • Let's try it and find out...........
  • The cat will buck like a bull, and the toast will fly off like a bull rider!
  • The cat and the butter would land on their/it's side and remain ther permanantly.
  • Quite possibly you would have a dead buttered cat.
  • The cat would spin around feet-to-back endlessly. It would eventually become hot enough to toast the bread. Then, the cat would finally land on its feet, because the "toast" would no longer be "bread," so it could land butter side up.
  • The pair would hover in mid-air just above the ground, spinning continuously.
  • Quantum mechanics dictates there would be a major reaction resulting in an explosion and the formation of a super-massive black whole. Not a good idea. EDIT This question was a duplicate so the answers here will probably be moved, however the difference in the way this question was worded was slightly different (and noteworthy). Question: "If a buttered bread always falls butter-side down and a cat always falls feet-on-floor-position, then what would happen if you tied a piece of buttered bread with the butter facing up onto a cat and then dropped it out the window?" #
  • This is a duplicate. Go here to read the best answer to this question I've ever heard. BTW, just to be a party pooper, the cat would land on its feet, because obviously buttered bread does not ALWAYS land on the buttered side, and has no real control over which way it lands, whereas the cat does.
  • The cat would land on its feet with butter on his back LOL .
  • The toast would splat on the ground and the cat would be safe.
  • The toast would slip off the cat in mid-air and land butter side down, and the cat would land on its feet.
  • The Humane Society would fine you.
  • The cat would land on it's feet, lie down, and then roll over. Now if you'll excuse me I simply *Must* test my theory. <"Here kitty kitty kitty...">
  • I'll try it with my cat and get back to you when the scratches heal...LOL
  • no, those men from myth busters tried it once, it didn't work.
  • A cat is alot bigger and stronger than a slice of toast, so the cat would land on its feet! Also, the toast would not actually land! It would still be strapped to the cats back!
  • They'd end up brown bread !! Brown bread = cockney rhyming slang for 'dead '.
  • Knowing that a true contradiction was at work in this situation, the cat and the toast would both vanish in a puff of twisted logic. Poof.
  • Equilibrium: The cat's balance and the toast's balance would be interrupted by each other. Therefore, this odd combination would land on its side. The real question though: What would happen if you buttered the cat?
  • The universe would implode, and we'd all be destroyed. Mad Scientists often attempted this method of destroying the world in the late 70's, however they were having a problem with the cats eating the toast in mid-air. We have come to know this as nature's fail safe.
  • I have two cats but none of them was voluntary for the experiment, so we'll never know. They did not even want to be attached together, back to back, which could also have been interesting. Anyway, I suppose it would just result into a big mess. And who is going to do the cleaning? Who?
  • Its simple that the buttered toast would not stop the cat from falling on all fours, because its the tail of the cat that helps it balance and land at all times. It you want to test an experiment tie something to a cats tail and watch, they will stagger and probably fall if placed correctly. So the answer to this question is the cat will land on all fours, and eat the toast. :
  • The cat would still land on its feat!
  • it's would probably hover above the ground lmao!! good thought!! :-{D
  • Assuming you strapped the toast butter side up... the cat/toast module would hover 3 feet above the ground and begin a perpetual spin as the rules concerning the separate components fight with each other. Ultimately they will spin so fast that friction will cause the strapping to burn away and the remaining components will explode in a buttery/furry mess. Well, that's what happened when I did it. I won a blue ribbon at the science fair for it.
  • you'd get cat hair on your toast.
  • The cat will hit the ground rolling
  • Both cat and toast would be sent into a time warp, sending them backwards or forwards in time.
  • The toast'll fall off and land face down anyway only with the addition of major cat hair cause you threw the cat. Shame on you!
  • The buttered toast acquires nine lives.
  • The dog would eat it.
  • Mmmm... buttered cat-toast. Just like Gramma Doomsday used to make.
  • Only one way to find out...
  • The cat will still land on it's feet. The cat has more weight and mass than the bread.
  • Yeah, I'd say cat. Just a gut instinct.
  • Oh my goodness!! What a great question....there are good answers too!! But try it to find out then let us know!!!
  • We have tried with just the cat many many times when we were kids, feet first.
  • What an interesting question. I'm going to get you an answer. Just buttered the bread . . . Now, "Here kitty kitty kitty . . ."
  • well i think it would be the cat.. it would counter the heaviness of the butter. tho mu husband says that they would cancel them out and they would fly UFOs use this technology all the time. why do you think UFOs always make that wewewewewewewewewewew sound? its THOUSANDS of cats with buttered toast flying around
  • You'd get fined for animal cruelty!
  • The universe would be destroyed.
  • I've have 7 or 8 cats in my life and not one of them would allow that game to happen yo...
  • If the toast was strapped to the cat's back with the buttered side away from the cat's back, then the opposing forces of fate would neutralize each other so that they would land on their sides.
  • The toast would fall off the cat's back, land face down, and the cat would fall and the universe would explode.
  • Cat on its feet. :)
  • I think it would spin continuously.You will have invented the first true perpetual motion machine?
  • I don't know, but hilarious question!! +4
  • Gotta love that question!!!! +5 and gezzzz I would bet on the cat.
  • The toast would fall off before the cat landed on all fours, and the toast would land face down.
  • The universe would split into two parallel universes. In one, the cat lands on its feet; in the other, the butter side lands down.
  • The cat falls on its side.
  • Your DOG will eat it ! ! ! Now get on over to And get your mind blown away !!

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