• To be hypocritical, much like the rest of the religion.
  • Depends on what time your service is.If you dn't like going early and it's important to you, then find one that is later. It's very easy to do usually. But it isn't a rest day for you to catch up on sleep. That's something you get to do on your own time. The sabbath day or rest day was supposed to be a day when you concentrated on worship and not on your own personal needs and wants. It was just one day a week given to someone else
  • We should not absent ourselves from the assembly, as some do, but encourage one another; and this all the more because you see that the Day draws near (Hebrews 10:25). The Lord's day is to be a day of rest from our usual work. Christianity (among other things) requires that you: + Worship your creator + Develop your relationship with God + Help build up the Church, the Body of Christ, the Communion of Saints, the family of believers Regular attendance and participation in your Church's services can help you reach these goals. You also obey the Commandment to "keep holy the Lord's day" by going to church on Sundays. My parish celebrates Mass at: + 5:00 pm Saturday evening + 6:30 am Sunday + 8:00 am + 9:30 am + 11:00 am + 12:30 pm + 5:30 pm We can get up early or sleep in. With love in Christ.
  • I've often wondered that. But then again I kind of knew, from listening in Church.
  • We spend all week working to provide for our needs, cleaning up our living space, taking care of our possessions, playing, etc. The sabbath (which ever day you choose to celebrate it on) is a day to rest from these mundane, everyday concerns and activities and focus on one's spiritual needs. The sabbath is a day specifically set aside to focus on God and to do things that will draw us closer to Him. We should do things of a spiritual nature throughout the week, (pray, study the scriptures, etc.) However, during the rest of the week the everyday concerns create distractions from the spiritual. On the sabbath we focus on the spiritual without the distractions.
  • "If Sunday is the holy day of rest" makes you appear uncertain. Quite right too, because it could be Saturday, the sabbath.
  • My children go to a Catholic school and we actually go to church on a Saturday. They have a family service and all the kids from the school go it great fun.
  • The "rest" is rest from your normal job, not lying around doing nothing. If you look at the Old Testament directions on Sabbath, it shows that even the food was prepared the night before, and that the servants had the day off to commemmorate the Lord's Day. It is a day that was specifically designed for wholehearted meditation upon God, something we do not have when we work on the other days.
  • lol..i used to ask my mom that, when i didn't want to go to Sunday School ...she would always have something to say like: It wasn't meant for us now That was in the Old Testament Because I said so What "ImaCatholic2" said ...she never gave me a straight answer though. Probably because I was tryna be smart and lazy.
  • Sunday is the first day of the week, Saturday is the sabbath!
  • Actually, Saturday is the seventh day of the week. The Sabbath day was part of the Mosiac Law. We as Christians in the Church Age go to church on Sunday because it is the first day of the week, the day that our Lord rose from the dead; thus, "the Lord's day". I hope that this helps. :) -In Christ's service. Thank you and God bless you!
  • Sunday isn't the 'holy day of rest'. Saturday is.
  • Many churches are different and have different service hours.
  • Who says you "have" to????
  • Sunday is the sabbath day - Not a day to lay around and become part of the couch. Jesus used this parable, that was something like this 'If you had a calf that fell into a ditch would you get him out on the sabbath?'(I think, well naturally who wouldn't?) That is what Jesus meant by that - Work is not always standing of front of a machine or behind a desk. Work could be anything, Cooking, cleaning, driving or whatever. (I know about this specific parable because I tried to use it on my boss one Sunday - it didn't work)
  • Sunday was the day of rest from work...not from getting up early to attend church.
  • Though I am not a catholic, I do share a similar belief with imacatholic. If you go to bed early saturday night, you should not have a problem getting up for sunday service. If you don't go to bed until midnight or later, the fault lies with you, and not Scripture, though no fault ever lies with Scripture, for it is God's holy inspired Word. Like he said, the rest is due to no work being done on the sabbath. Also, after the service and lunch, you should get a nap in the afternoon instead of fishing or anything else. That nap should be your rest for the day, just so you're Biblical! It must be said though, that even in Christian circles, it is alright to work in food service on sunday (in moderation), as people must eat, and that is how things go at Bob Jones University, a super strict Christian university, where only the cafeteria people work on sunday.
  • Sunday is not the holy day of rest. The sabbath was given to the Israelites when they were on their way to Mount Sinai. Later, at Mt. Sinai, this law was incorporated into the Ten Commandments, the fourth of which stated: “Remembering the sabbath day to hold it sacred, . . . do all your work six days. But the seventh day is a sabbath to Jehovah your God.” Also, it was an arrangement only for Israel: “Between me and the sons of Israel it is a sign to time indefinite.” -Ex. 31:16,17.
  • Saturday is actually the Sabbath day of rest.
  • My Rest is in Christ Jesus. Sabbath (or "shabbat" in Hebrew) means literally "to cease". It is From the Jewish foundations that we get the Sabbath as a day. However, Jesus healed and did wonders on the Sabbath.He had no qualms with this because He is The Sabbath. He is what Christians find rest in. We therefore get up early on Sunday to go and give thanks and praise to Him, for bringing rest. A small price I think.
  • lol, it's not the holy day of sleep.
  • I abide by the rules by staying in bed late and taking the lord's name in vain
  • I don't do that.
  • Go to the evening service instead.
  • If we were still back then under the Mosaic law(old covenant), we will have to rest on Saturday. However, we are under the new testament. As it says in Hebrews 8:6-13, (verse 13)"A new covenat, he hath made the first old. Now that which decayeth and waxeth old is ready to vanish away." We don't follow the old covenant. That covenant was written to the Jews and for the Jews. Once Jesus died the Mosaic law(the old covenant) was no longer in effect.
  • Technically the Sabbath is Saturday. Christians worship on Sunday because it is the day Christ was raised. My church offers services on Saturday nights, Sunday morning and Sunday afternoon. I'm sure you can find an option that would work around your sleep schedule.
  • You have to get up early, so that church doesn't interfere with televised football.
  • i do not care what day it is..we are to live by the laws of the land..and in the US , it is Sunday...and I really don't think it is such a big deal to God anyway...just so we have a day of rest, no work, that is HIS and we keep it HIS/ HIS Commandment : keep the Sabbath HOLY...the Israelites Laws u could be put to death for working....women were to get baking and so forth done before .....but this world is so far removed....I hated it as a child when businesses could stay's wrong then and now....
  • By day of rest, it's not a day you go to work. It's a day reserved for the Sabbath.
  • Because you can come home and take a nap after. Or sleep late and go to the evening service if there is one.
  • You don't. Go to a later service. There's plenty around I'm sure.
  • Sunday is not the holy day of rest the Sabbath is Saturday. However, I still get up early on Sabbath. Read my devotional, pray for others, and read my Bible then go to church. Why because this is the day you are suppose to rest in the Lord. Communication is the key prayer, church, and then rest for the rest of the day.How wonderful it feels to rest in the Lord all day try it,
  • Editorial Comment not answer: BEST question EVER!!!! And for the record, the Jews do it rest and celebrate the Sabbath at Friday Sunset - when everyone's AWAKE!
  • The day is made "holy" (i.e., set apart unto the Lord) by gathering to worship Him with other believers. The day is a day of "rest" in the sense of you gathering with believers and reminding yourselves of the rest into which we have entered through Christ (see Hebrews 4:1-11). Actually, whichever day we regard, whether it is Sunday or another day as per our church's tradition, we are to regard the day as unto the Lord (see Romans 14:5). We gather in honor of God and the attitude of our hearts when we do gather is of more importance than the particular day of the week.
  • This was "directed" towards the JEWISH people--in the OLD TESTAMENT. BTW--the SABBATH was actually on SATURDAY. Some of these "customs" were carried over to the "GENTILES", and sometimes "selectively" exercised--in order to serve rationalizations of wrong-doings!!! ("An EYE for an EYE and a TOOTH for a TOOTH" is on of the most popular OLD TESTAMENT customs that rationalizes taking REVENGE on someone. However, few if any "gentiles" practice performing a animal sacrifice--in order to cover a sin!!!)
  • My church used to start at 11. What's this about getting up early?
  • Because getting up to go to church isn't a job. Or something you have to do. It's a time to spend with God and worship him. It's a blessing and an honor to get to worship him!
  • It's a human tradition that people get up early to attend services. There's no law in the Bible that says you have to get up at the crack of dawn. If you still want to go, find a later service. Or worship God in your own way.
  • This does not have to be the case, Sunday service now is also in the evenings, where I attend it is at 5.00pm, another church close by 6.00pm.
  • lol Ironic.
  • To become tough - even on your 'rest' day. You can rest in the afternoon - After Church.
  • Most churches have more than one service. Pick one that better suits your sleep rhythms. The sabbath is a day of worship and rest, not just rest. You can come home and sleep all afternoon if you want. Or you can spend it visiting relatives.
  • Sunday is only for resting from secular work if you are religious.The churches would probably tell you that religious activity or work is holy.
  • speak for yourself, I slept in til 4 o clock last Sunday =)
  • I remember church being a great place for an impromptu nap! ;-)
  • Hi,Just like on the Sabbath the jews went to the synagoge and worshipped God ,we too worship him in the day salvation came to us all.I don't know about you but I go to church till 2Pm .God bless you all.
  • It may be to rest your soul from the burden of day to day grind, not your body
  • The term "day of rest" means performing no labor for which money is earned. If you profess Christianity, the idea is that you should have the desire to be in God's house at least that one day of the week. Of course, we don't live in an ideal world, and many are required to work on Sunday the same as any other day.
  • Because: . a) Sunday ISN'T the Sabbath - it never was. Rather you will notice that it's referred to as, "The Lord's Day" in the New Testament because . . . . b) Sunday was the day that Christ was resurrected. . c) Dawn was when He was resurrected. . In the Christian tradition Sunday is observed as the day of worship as a celebration of Christ's resurrection. . However . . . . The Jews believe that "day" goes from dusk to dusk (darkness to light - like in the creation account in Genesis 1) as a result their Sabbath Services start on Friday Dusk - which seems a far more reasonable and rational arrangement to me. . The Jews have this one "nailed" as far as I'm concerned. I'm totally DOWN with Friday or Saturday dusk services! . Can you dig it?
  • Jesus is our Sabbath. We are to find our rest in Jesus. ---- But if you must have a Sabbath day. Then remember what the Bible says: -- Remember the Sabbath and keep it Holy. It does not say lay around and sleep all day. I would think going to church to worship the Lord is certainly Holy.
  • Because Jesus always got up early to pray. The fact is though, you don't- most churches now offer contemporary services as late as 11:00 am and some have contemporary evening services on Sunday evenings. Sleep in, casual dress,upbeat music, and short sermons too! What a deal- I will be there!!
  • Actually, the Sabbath is Saturday. The Lord's Day is Sunday. If you don't like to get up early to worship God and meet with your brothers and sisters in Christ, then look for a church in your area that has a later service, or you can always go to the Evening service.

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