Pizza Time!
Go shopping!!
Stop at a fast food place.
get take out.
If I had no food in the house or money to by take out or shopping, I would fast. I am in that position right now.
Hi, cg..for me, this question is a fantasy question...this will never happen..but in a fantasy world, I'd go to a family member, friend, neighbor, acquaintance..explain my temporary situation..tell them I'm hungry and ask for something simple..peanut butter sandwich or whatever. I would not, however, accost a stanger. Alternatively, if I knew no one I would go to a supermarket, ask if I could do some work (sweep floors..break down cardboard boxes..whatever) in exchange for something to eat.
Go shopping...
I just run up to the local fast food place and grab a quick bite. I never ever go grocery shopping on an empty stomach.
Depends on whether I can immediately get to a store. If I can't, I smoke cigarettes and/or drink coffee.
Depends how hungry I am, but normally it's Pizza time too :p
I go out to eat or order in. This is very typical, as I don't cook.
Go to Publix and get grab-n-go chicken salad or sushi.
I remember when I was first married and this happened we used to hunt out all the empty bottles we could find and take them back to the shop for the threepence deposit on each of them. Nowadays there's always food in the house.
Go for a burger.
Walk to my grandmother's and ask if she'll make me something. She's just pretty much across the street, so... yep. Not that hard for me.
Remind myself I'm losing weight by NOT going out for ice cream. :)
Go across the street to my son's house and eat his food....
Get off my lazy butt and go to the grocery store.
Order a Pizza
I would eat pecans, they cut your hunger for up to 24 hours.
Angster Gangster
I planted 2 pecan trees next to my driveway 25 years ago so I should have plenty of pecans to eat except for the fact I also have a large herd of bushy tail tree rats that start eating the pecans as soon as the little green ones first show up. i guess I could shoot & eat the grey squirrels if i got hungry enough but their kind of cute & hard to clean and so small it takes 2-3 to make a meal.
If you have a jar of peanut butter, a few spoonfuls can stave off starvation. Failing that, I'd run to 711 and grab a hot dog or something. They have snack options that are relatively cheap for a convenience store.
wait for someone to get home then send them to the store to get food XD
Scavange around the house for change (always check the sofa ;D) then run to the nearest shop (in my case right accross the road) Get a big roll or something made up from the deli. And if i couldnt find the change then I'll chop off my foot add some seasonings cook it and eat it :D
go out to my garden and pick some vegetables.
I turn into Hannibal Lester. Neighbors beware.
smoke a cigarette and try to suppress my appetite for a little bit longer, and after a while of procrastinating i'd go hit up McDonalds or something
No food at all? I'll go and buy some. If I cant I'll drink.
Well, I'd probably go to the grocery and buy some more to replenish what was gone ...
go shopping call, pizza hut, order chinese??
I always have SOMETHING to eat - big pantry...but I'd hit the local coffee shop if it really came to that.
duh, go buy something to eat!
Go shopping I guess. I can't imagine having nothing in the house though.
Go shopping for food
I know what my grandmother did. She would grab the nearest chicken ,ring its neck with one hand & throw the head to the dog .then dig up a few carrots , potato's & celery from the garden & make a big pot of chicken soup on the wood stove in the kitchen. If it was the right time of year she might throw some corn or something else in there too..
shop for some food
microwave some popcorn, or heat up a can of soup. that's always my go-to, especially since I can't cook.
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