• My cats do.
  • Yes, I've heard my kitty sneeze a lot of times
  • oh yeah! i guess, i have seen two or three of them sneeze and assume every other animal sneezes.
  • I would imagine so. my cat sneezes all the time. one time she sneezed aobut 7 times in a row.
  • No , not all animals sneeze .. only mammals sneeze , i mean have you ever seen a fish sneeze ? i certainly have not , and i study animal behaivor , your cats sneeze because they are mammals , you sneeze , dogs , horses , even elephants ! and all other mammals.
  • NO but many do. I hate to disagree with our 'vet' JakeEastonLover14 who also answered this question but it's not only mammals. Birds sneeze, too. We've had parrots who sneezed. Sometimes they will do it just to clear out their nostrils of dust and stuff. Even reptiles sneeze. The iguana, according to reptile experts, sneezes more often and more productively than any other animal. Sneezing is the way they rid their bodies of certain salts that are byproducts of their digestive processes.

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