• I don't think it is true, although it appears to be demonstrated from time to time. Sex drive changes with hormones and age. To say that an 18 year old boy would give love mostly to get sex could be true, but, a 40 year old man (who is still capable and interested in sex) is less likely to commit to a woman just for sex. If a 40 YO man ties himself down, it is most likely for love. To "give" love just for sex is simply not worth the hassle. God forbid, if something happened to my awesome wife, and I couldn't find genuine love, I'll just go pay for sex. That is my "one man in the world" perspective. Any ladies have an opinion for yoho?
  • I think it's true. It applies to the initial attraction ... Women put out to get love sometimes. Men are attentive, send flowers, compliment, when they want to get laid. Of course, never say never or vice versa.
  • for me, it's not true at all. besides, how can a man really "give love" if he's really just in it for sex? that isn't love.
  • not only do i not think it's true, i don't think it makes any sense.
  • It's not true. Women give sex when they want sex same as men. That's sexist to say that!
  • I think that saying is a straight up stereotypical view of the male and female perspective. Sure, like every stereotype, it's demonstrated from time to time (probably more commonly in young folks) but it should not be broadly employed as it is false and misleading.
  • The man gives the woman what she wants, so he can get from her what he wants. That's a trade. It can also be the beginning. In real love, the man gives the woman what she wants and the woman gives the man what he wants because each loves the other. Giving without calculating on the return.
  • its a stereotypical way of putting it. if the love is real than they both give and get what they want.
  • no truth at all. Its just a manipulation to make people seem lesser than they are. Truth is...women enjoy sex with a man who already loves them, not to gain his love. When he no longer loves them, naturally, she has less sexual desire for him. Men can go both ways depending on their maturity level and morals. Some men value sex as a part of a loving relationship. In this case, the man feels love while he has sex with the woman (not women) he loves. HOWEVER, there are those who PRETEND to love in order to gain unwarranted sexual favors from a woman he does not care about and is only using for sex. I dont think men EVER give love FOR sex (this just doesnt add up) They love AND enjoy sex OR they fake love for sex.
  • women give sex to start a relationship, men give attention to get laid
  • That's Bull! Men and women have sex for the same reasons! A book was just written about this[years of studies]. Men and women have sex for the same 5 reasons. Women want to get laid as much as men! That's a sexist remark! When I had sex is was for Pleasure! When you men learn we are the same you will have much success with women!!
  • well personaly i did not want to have sex because i was persay horney i was 17 and i was in love. i didnt do it because i wanted a quick romp in the sack so the person who wrote that book was probably a slut like the rest of them girls that give it up to every tom dick and harry.
  • Too much of it!
  • None. +5
  • No truth at all!

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