Weed weed weed. No nasty after effects, no 'weed' goggles, no need to go out to do it. I wish....
I have stopped drinking as much as I used to and Ive never really been one for smoking pot (makes me nauseous) but if I had to choose one of the 2 it would have to be drinking.
Worse to whom? Alcohol is far worse for the user. They would both be equally harmful to society if both were legal. Since weed is illegal and so few people regularly use it (7% of the population), alcohol is currently worse for society.
Well. Ill go with the lesser of the two evils. Alcohol is better since its, you know,, legal and all. So. Smoking weed is worse. And it has worse effects on the user. Personal preference is neither.
If many Ab'ers had their way, they would ban alcohol and legalize marijuana,and personally, I don't see the use of either as acceptable for the simple reason of people using both to get through the troubles of the day because they're not strong enough on their own wthout a fixof some kind, it just projects a weak character that I don't think America should endorse.
smoking "weed" is not as harmful to the body (as a whole) as consuming alcohol on a regular basis~ i know that some people don't like this fact and i understand the legality issue but in all medical research that i've read, this fact has been proven time and again; marijuana is even prescribed for some chronic diseases (i'm answering scientifically!) :)
I'd rather come face to face3 with a burnt out stoner, who is giggling to himself or playing WoW than a pushy drunk trying to get into your pants and trying to get into a fight.
alchohol...but personally i avoid both
Alcohol. My 2 cents.
smoking weed.
Smokikng weed might be illegal, but I think drinking Alcohol is worse.
Binge Smoking! (@_@)
i honastly have no idea how cigs are leagal, beer is leagal, but weed isnt. weed is the least harmfull of the two
thats not even a question. weed doesn't destroy ur body.
I think that binge drinking is more harmful to society than smoking weed. On an individual level heavy alcohol consumption increases the risk of many types of cancer and kills brain cells. possible dangers of medical use of marijuana may contribute to the diseases which it is be used to combat. Therefore, it may not be a good idea to use marijuana as a therapy, at least until a good deal more conclusive research has been completed about its debilitating effect on the immune system. Marijuana also has the same toxic efects on the respirtory system as does cigarette smoking. I'm not against terminally ill people using marijuana if it makes them feel better.
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