The cat belongs to the warehouse workers, just for building a pet bond. The lady is being selfish, and a thief for not thinking how much the cat means to them.
Cats don't belong to anyone, they are free spirits, that's why you can't do anything about them crapping in your garden, and they can, and will go to other houses to also be fed. But its home was the warehouse, who took on the vet bills, worming, flea treatment, spraying/neutering? Who's willing to be committed to the cat? (Cats can live up to 20 years, the oldest cat on record was 38 years and 3 days).
The cat chose to leave its original home and go on a feline journey. Just because it stopped off for awhile at the warehouse doesn't give them any ownership claim. The lady decided to take it home but that doesn't mean the cat belongs to her either. It could just as well choose to continue its journey and move along again. 3/28/25
Nosmo King
The cat chose to leave ITS original home. No apostrophe. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Nosmo, you are going blind, cause you forgot to point out the last sentence of: "It could just as well choose to continue [it's] journey and move along again." No apostrophe either. LOL *Facepalm* -
Nosmo King
Only because I only read the first sentence and then commented. The same comment obviously applies to the last sentence as well. -
Thanks, I'll remember that in the future -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Nosmo, then you are a lazy reader. The Facepalm is still in effect.
Someone who doesn't like the letter "e", I suppose.
what a useful answer -
Nosmo King
Well, you missed the "e" off the end of "whose". I just thought I'd try to remind you. -
Do you ever have anything useful to contribute? -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Nosmo, to be useful here, I left you a comment in dalcocono's answer. -
Jenny The Great ⭐
Nosmo, don't mind me, I am only commenting on your answer so you can get notified of your other feedback.
i ended up ringing up the manger ,We all work for a phone app hes been there 6 times in the last year hes never seen the cat apart from a few invoices for cat food he doesn't believe there was a cat . one of the drivers told me she was the only one that could get near it so she had to take it. there was a box of stuff to take to her house when i walked in the cat hissed at me and hide under the couch I asume that was the cat
Well then, the cat is probably where it wants to be then. -
All that I didn't say to the lady Im here for the cat. its had an upgrade of home the truckie said it used to hiss at everyone that went in the hut and run under her desk
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