• I gather because there's only a few people asking questions.
    • dalcocono
      I think that's exactly right!
  • one question with 3 answers will probably get you on the board.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
  • 3/22/2025, yes, the leaderboard is quite simple. Ask 2 questions like you said, and you will automatically make it to 5th or 4th place. Ask a couple of more questions, and you will find yourself in 3rd place, perhaps in 2nd. Ask about 20-25 questions, and you will move DancesWithWolves out of the way who is in 1st place. What also helps is receiving answers. Example: Linda Joy hasn't asked questions in a while. I answered 15-20 of her questions last week, and it still did not put her in 1st place, but in 4th place.

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