• Depends on who the people at the table are. Some people we eat with are comfortable and content to eat without much conversation. Others are uncomfortable eating without conversation during the meal. When my wife and I are eating alone, we don't say much, but when we have guests we talk with them thru out the meal, to be congenial. 3/21/25
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      I know what you mean. Iā€™m the type of person who likes to enjoy my food without interruption but Iā€™m aware people are different. There are 2 types of eaters: those who like to talk at the table and others who enjoy eating without interruption like myself.
    • dalcocono
      Yes, dining with the younger people always requires a lot more conversation too.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      True. Babies and children require attention from their parents or carers during feeding time.

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