Yes, if they don't mind that I don't drive either.
Hi, how's you? -
I'm doing fine thank you. How you doing?
Yes. If they drive me mad, that would be a different story. We could both get the bus, taxi or train together to go to romantic places including the beach and park. I like going outdoors as well as indoors so with the ideal woman, we would go on adventures without the need for driving. I don’t drive myself and I never would because it’s not in my ability to drive.
Sure, there are many ways to get around such as: walking, cycling, taking public transportation (buses, trains), using ride-sharing services like Uber/Lyft, carpooling with friends and etc.
yeah it wouldnt matter ex wife would never drive any of my cars and I prefer to have had at least 5 beers before I get in the car with her. If we went any where in her car Id drive there if I wasn't over the limit Id drive home.. Shes of the get in shut up hang on religion. She wouldn't drive my cars as they didn't go fast enough not she cant drive a manual.
No, my wife doesn't like it if I date other people. 1/26/25
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