• I work in retail myself. I am a stock control assistant in my local Tesco shop which I enjoy and I’ve been working there since 2019. If I had a shop of my own, I would sell a wide range of products for the public just like Tesco and I’d make sure the shop is big enough for hundreds of people in the town area.
  • I wanted to open Stevos Emporium selling old car parts and other useless collectables but I throw most old rubbish away and dont put 2nd hand parts on my own cars. If things improve I may open BBQ restaurant where I get to drink beer and play stick most of the day.
    • ⭐️Creamcrackered
      I love Stevos Emporium of old car parts, it bears the "breakers yard."
    • ★Stevo
      I found a suitable propery for Emporium a coupe of days ago.3 minuates walk from the town pub,one horse town close to a tourist road .its house with a shop front on the main street. depeding how quick I can sell my house and how much extra money I need maybe Im moving house.
  • I've thought about this before, but I don't think any of these would work where I live. 1. Musical instruments- I've worked at such a store before and have experience with instruments, but hardly anyone plays them anymore. 2. Puzzles and educational toys- I love puzzles and educational toys, but kids these days are really only ever into computers and electronics. 3. 3D printers, CNC tools, parts, and accessories. Might work in a big city, save for shop rent being too high. Here- not only would rent be too much, but I'd probably only have one customer, which would be the same guy trying to make a living off selling the stuff. Maybe someday I could do it as a webshop, but, unless a random warehouse spawns on my property, I still dpn't see how I could afford the rent here. Which leads to 4. Shattered dreams.
    • ⭐️Creamcrackered
      "Shattered Dreams," They sell dreams that never came to fruition! You're right though, my cousin bought her son an electric organ for Christmas, he hasn't touched it, always playing footie or Fornight on PS5.

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