Yes. They want you renting cars not buying them, they want to erase private ownership, and they want you beholden to the electronics. Every car after 2014 is fitted with a tracker. They don't want cars that last years or that you can fix yourself, there's no dependency in it, they need us dependent.
12/18/2024, of course, new vehicles contain up to 1,500 chips, operating everything from a car's drivetrain to infotainment system. Just like SXM radio, it can cost $100 to have a radio unlocked and with plans from $19.99 to $29.95 per month. The OEMs are spying on you. They do it to figure out how best to monetize the data they collect. It gets sold to insurance carriers and other companies to sell you stuff, such as... your car is approaching 20K miles, time for an oil change 🛢️, here's a coupon. Once you start spending more money 💳 on your car, they got you. They will tamper with your car's computer, signaling 🔄 mechanical parts to fail so they can keep extracting money from you. 💸
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