• I dont think answerbag has a tech team the site appears to be running on auto pilot if they have a tech team they all should be giving their pay back they dont do anything. Nothing will change unless the site is sold to a new owner.
  • I think this site is as good as it's going to get. I have been here a few years now, and no changes at all, except in the numbers of people using the site. 10/20/24
  • The technical team is a bunch of "GOOMBAS"! Nothing will ever change they just want the money to keep rolling in! Oct.-20-2024
    • dalcocono
      How do they get money from this site?
    • β˜…Stevo
      google add sense ,the google adds they might make $1 a month if any from what I can work out, doubt it covers hosting costs from what I can work out. I would be interested in other thoughts on that.

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