• I don't think it's done for reasons of popularity, each person asks questions for their own reasons, Jenny asks them to keep the site going, and as not to keep bumping old questions, also as a challenge for herself, to reach a certain number, I do it in order to see people's standpoints, often on current world events, philosophy or other reasons. Stevo has his reasons, often also about current events or personal. You often post questions more personal to you around communication and purpose. Hence, I can't see a "one" reason to post, but I may be wrong.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      9/1/2024, yep, thumbs up for a good answer. I remember a time when I was rarely asking questions, and just answering a bunch of old questions, specifically Nunya's questions who has 1035 questions asked: Then some users were complaining, asking, Why are old questions getting bumped to the Answerbag homepage? And if they deserved more answers? The next thing you know, I decided to ask numerous questions, and now certain users do not appreciate it. We can't please everyone, so once I reach my mark, someone else will have to step up in asking the questions. If no one steps up, this site is dead. It could be DancesWithWolves getting back on track from his time off on this site, maybe bostjan who was on a roll for a moment or perhaps you, Creamcrackered. ;)

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