• they all take him mcdonalds to faten him up for a heart attack to get rid of him, He eats it every time they say he eats 8 big macs a day plus mc muffins in the morning. He looks the part I saw 3 workers give him a mcmuffin when they walked in. Im not sure if ole mate was telling me a tale its a lazy truck yard a few trucks come and go the rest of the time they watch the grass grow. They do like to tell storys. Should I play along and get the Gormandizer a double Big Mac, Im going there a couple of times next week, Or are these people tricking me into buying them all lunch? There is the fact hes a tool What can a sales rep or tradie in a car steal from a transport joint that moves vegetables . Ive all ready had a issue of the Gormandizer taking too long to open the gate ole mate told me that was because I didnt take the Gormandizer Macca's.

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