• I wonder who owns those pathetic familys true traitors? Clean your country put out the trash. Unless you like the uniparty with their endless forever wars? What has been happening for the last 50 years? Why is every democrat full of bs that will start ranting its Trumps fault ? Do you all love wars?
  • I think their support for her does give credence to the "uniparty" theory in our politics. 9/9/24
  • Not surprising. Not many people support Trump, really. Those who do, just do so very loudly. Also, nobody probably cares about who George Bush supports. That guy should have never been president. He was a war monger and a liar and a nepotism baby. Romney is more scrupulous, but has been at odds with Trump for years. But Trump is on track to win the election here despite losing the popular vote by quite a lot, because of the way our elections are set up.

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