• No. Science is based on repeatable phenomena, observations of the same events by different observers, and predictable outcomes. Astrology is superstition and/or "entertainment" with the purpose of taking people's money in exchange for extremely vague prophesies and aphorisms.
  • By promoters and by avid fans: yes. By scientists: no. * Here's the thing: astrology is to a large extent based on real science. That is: the science of astronomy, the science of the observation of celestial phenomena. So much so, that astrologers know (accurately) ahead of time - for example - when Mars and Jupiter will be in conjunction, or when Venus is in Taurus (or whatever). *** Astrology fails as a science in several ways, but where it primarily fails (in my opinion) is in its refusal to recognize that when two celestial bodies appear to be close to each other in the sky ***has nothing to do with how close to each other the two bodies actually are***. This has been known concerning the planets at least since the time of Galileo, and has been known concerning the stars at least since the 1800s. * So astrology to a large extent is based on a premise (how close the various celestial objects are to each other = how close they appear to be to each other in the sky) that ***we know is false***.
  • An occult science..

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