• Trouble getting doctors and hospital appointments, then longer NHS waiting times, higher food prices for non organic food (let alone organic food), higher risks in harm to animals especially in factory farming, large increases in tax in order to subsidise others, ie benefits, housing etc. Building on brown land, (wildlife killed off and/ or pushed into urban areas, decline of wildlife and the health of such. (mange/parasites). Greenland being demoted to brown land to build on, more traffic on the roads, higher crime rates, larger clashes of culture, higher import tax, failing of public transport. Increased need in fishing waters and the hazards that come with that, country not supporting itself, more likely increase in cheap labour to other countries for everything, clothes, cars, televisions, gadgets which sets up higher risk of slave labour in those countries, more pollution both in the air and in the sea, and rivers. More diseases, as the more people squashed into an area the greater prevalence of illness. More building, putting concrete into the ground, higher risk of flooding. Larger spaces dedicated to Landfill, more hosepipe bans, higher bills.

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