• world hunger there is no global warming we are being stiched on that. For all the money spent on wars we could of solved world hunger twice over.
  • The Milankovitch cycle says we are in an interglacial period, (warming) that the turning of the planet on the axis, and the outside influences on earth means an ice age anyway, not soon, but it's heading in that direction. Of course the earths core can also effect the planet. The earth is a self regulated system, as George Carlin said "It will shake us off like a dose of fleas." "Save the planet! The planets fine, but we are screwed. Yes, our actions may have added to it, but that isn't going to change any time soon, because we are harvesting the earth and no matter what we do, it's going to have an effect. The quickest way the elite can change our effect is to kill off alot of people, I mean billions, maybe force us all into a smaller area in smart cities or something, under total surveillance, since we are so keen to give up our privacy and freedoms, and the elite need some labourers to live off, so they don't have to work (much like parasites). What makes more money for the elites oil and precious jewels and metals or climate change? And they aren't in a panic since they are flying private jets to climate change meetings, and sending jets up to spray the sky with aluminium (geoengineering), in order to reflect the sun, however no one has considered how this also keeps the heat in the earths atmosphere, or what it does to us when breathing it in. It's like trying to stick a plaster on a severed limb, that will fall off anyway. Do I agree that we could treat the planet better? Absolutely. But once the elites have promoted consumerism, a throw away society, where else was we going to end up? We are in our own cages, in our own minds, give us more, distract us more, and have forgotten how to live. But the elite have learnt something from Covid, and how this effected the planet, just as they had to use the atomic bomb, not once but twice to invoke fear, and to see what happened. We started off as hunter gatherers, as tribes, living in harmony with the earth, eating off the land, moving from place to place. Then civilisation sprung up, we domesticated grasses, and cattle, imprisoned ourselves by doing it, because this meant confining ourselves to areas for farming, enslaved, working to cultivate the land and supply the ever growing population. Now confined to our square box, watching a square box. So it's pointless, world hunger could of ended years ago, the same as cancer is probably already curable, but when population growth is threatening your existence or more so, position in authority, why would you want to stop people dying? Most of what man does today has nothing to do with survival, that's the problem, and he has forgotten how to think. Too busy deciding what gender they are, how many subscribers they have, what designer clothes they have, mobile phone, TV and car. It's crazy.
  • World hunger seems the more immediate threat. Global warming might be disastrous in a century or so, and I can't help but think that there will still time to take firm action against it when it starts getting really bad. (Right now: the effects are so minor for most people that they don't much care. When it starts causing most people problems, most people will jump on board to take action to reverse it.)
  • Solve world hunger.

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