• I believe that the body may be gone, but they are still here as long as I hold them in my heart!!!
  • Yeshua was crucified, died, and was buried yet He arose from the grave alive and is alive today. Although my body may die and be buried, I am still alive because I have Yeshua, Jesus Christ as my Saviour.
  • That's easy to understand...but many people believe differently from you. You may think they are crazy or stupid or gullible....and they might think the same of you, because of what you believe. Unless you can prove that what they believe is false, respect their beliefs...and I will try to do the same for yours.
  • Very true. But people are conditioned from childhood to believe in happy endings & death is a suddenly & permanently closed book. So people who simply cannot deal with the Reality &finality of ceasing to exist. long ago made up a semi logical fantasy that all out infomation & acts performed during our time on Earth is somehow stored In a kind of Icloud up in the sky so that when their body desintigrates If they've followed their instructions properly then all their life info can be downloaded & rebooted into a brand new computor..This way they never have to accept that everything they've ever done is all for nothing..
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      You are right. They can’t accept it because they are brainwashed to believe otherwise. Life is not a movie like some people think and there are no end credits when we go. Basically, they are on cloud nine.
  • it gives them something to look forward to while they go on with mundane tasks of everyday life over and over again. As an atheist I rarely think im doing all this for a greater pupose there must be more everyone must fantasize at least once. As a realist I believe once I die and my body is burnt if there is anyone to burn me the earth will reclaim whats left .and the world will go on with out me.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      Those people delude themselves. I am also atheist. Atheism is an awareness. I know that the Earth will keep spinning after a person’s death. Atheists like ourselves don’t create a delusion in our minds about death. We see things as they really are and I notice you and I have similar views. I clicked on the thumbs up on a different answer of yours to another question about hope asked by someone else. I also know that hope is a feeling.
    • 11stevo73
      most of them are happier than me being right doesnt make a bloke happy in most cases yes I was correct but the world is still a dud. Everyone of us here hopes these wars will stop killing inoicent people now we all started hoping for that as soon as we heard about them starting but it hasn't happened yet.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      Focus on your happiness rather than put up with other people’s shallow mindedness. Remain correct!
  • Einstein came up with the idea of special relativity, the problem with the speed of light is that everything that we deem as happening now, is actually happening in the past . there is no ambiguous notion to define what happens NOW, it depends on the observer. This means that every moment could be someones NOW, and that includes all moments in your past, and, future. So it's impossible to define one notion of NOW, that we all agree on, called Relativity of Simultaneity. This tells us fundamentally that this experience of now, that we all share, is meaningless. To deal with this Einstein put together both time and space to Spacetime. This becomes the Block universe where the past, the present and the future exist in the same way. In this way people who are past, can still exist and this is due to the way all the laws (that we know of) of fundamental nature work, they just rearrange how things work, in this way information cannot get destroyed but is just impossible to retrieve, of course its not known what happens to information that falls into a black hole, and the mysterious measurement in quantum mechanics, a deceased person's particles joins to other particles, and turns to radiation and joins with the entire universe, and in billions of years, there may be new information where we can access some cosmic consciousnes, and talk to the deceased again.

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