• give an example of what you are talking about please?
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      A person who respects individuality allows other people to be themselves. A person who is part of a group of people would try to encourage an outsider to join them through peer pressure most of the time. That means the outsider would struggle to be their own person once they have been controlled and dominated. Does that make sense?
    • 11stevo73
      like the army or police force? Still no idea what you mean?
    • 11stevo73
      Id be pretty sure you have never done any anything the requires the team to work together to achieve a certian goal by a certian time.the quicker we finish the quicker we go home. Start dordling and your team mates will turn on you.
    • 11stevo73
      I guess i should give a half useful answer in the case of a tradesman hes good at jobs that take one person.Set him up as far away from the others as possible so we dont have to talk to him I got lots of those jobs for years. Is what happens to trades people .Working to a stanard requires you to do this and do that excatly how its written. Its not about hurting feelings theres far more things than feelings electrical or mechical things can hurt. At my mothers house the cabinet maker was the rudest man my mother has ever meet she said she didnt get him back to do the next piece of her renovation cupboards got another bloke,. The rudest mans work is top notch the other blokes work is no where as neat as his my mother should of got him back and gone out for the day he worked there.
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      I explained as much as I could and I can’t make it any more clearer. It could be any group at all or perhaps a society of people. It could most likely be a cult.

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