• I like eating breaded chicken with my hands
  • I used to eat at a restaurant called "Thai fusion bar and grill". The guys at the bar all told me eating the sticky rice with the fingers is how they do it, and it's a sign of respect when a non Thai guy does it. So I guess civilized or uncivilized is cultural. 5/28/24
  • Not necessarily, when certain foods are meant to be eaten by hand, plus the fact that hands were created long before cutlery ever existed. Also, not everyone can handle cutlery so easily, especially for those who have deformed hands or none at all. There’s also parts of the world where NOT eating with your hands might be considered somewhat rude (e.g: some African or Middle-Eastern countries). I suppose if you’re sitting down to eat in a fancy restaurant or with people who are more lavish, but it really depends on the situation. 🤔🤷‍♀️
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Thumbs up for sharing. For this matter when you say that certain foods are meant to be eaten by hand, I agree. But Donald Trump eats fried chicken with a knife and fork. This is why he was mocked:
  • It depends on what you're eating, and where, 1) A barbecue? Then hamburgers and hands, 2) A restaurant, then knives and forks are usually expected.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      "It depends on what you're eating" is to be in touch with your civilized sense. Therefore, you are not barbaric or maybe just a little? ;)

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