• There was no beginning of time and it will never end just like a circle that keeps going round forever. It was people who invented clocks based on the Earth revolving in orbit around the sun.
  • Some believe it begun 13.8 billion years ago with the singularity, some believe it is twice that amount, others theorise that it is never ending and that it may just expand and contract, or loop. Time is basically how we measure distance and change, and time changes depending on speed, gravitational pull, and inside black holes. Time is experienced as relative to the person as well. It is thought that we begin to understand the concept of time when we become self aware. Mystics will tell you that the only time that really exists in reality is the "Here and Now, ie the present moment, as you can't live in the past or future, even though many peoples thoughts tend to time travel them to both past and future, which means they are missing out on the NOW, which is the only thing that exists.
  • According to current theory, "time as we know it" began at the moment of the Big Bang. In fact: there is a difficulty in talking about "before the Big Bang" since it's equivalent to talking about "before time" and - of course - there is no "before" without time.

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