• Willy Wonka owned the chocolate factory. Charlie was one of the lucky kids to get a golden ticket and get a tour of the factory.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      And also, Willy Wonka rewarded Charlie as the last child standing by giving him the chocolate factory, inasmuch as Charlie provided that he leave his family behind. Charlie's family was more important to him, so he rejected the deal. This is a tricky question. In the original Willy Wonka movie, why is the 2005 version named Charlie and the Chocolate Factory when Charlie did not accept the deal?
    • Shadow Of The Mind
      Sometimes with remakes they tend to change things around. That’s just movie making for you
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Tim Burton’s loopy, but fascinating 2005 version still represents the gold standard of the Wonka representation.
  • The title "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" mirrors the title for the book the movies were based upon.

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