• Only in part. Note that my analysis overlooks more obscure and specialty means of communication such as semaphore and two-way radio communication, and addresses forms of communication that at one time were quite widely used by the general populace. *** The most traditional means: talking. The quality of speech has been deteriorating for over a century as a result of "dumbing down" education, but the decline began long before digitization became commonplace, and speech is still in very common use. *** The second-most traditional means: hand-writing. This has pretty much disappeared as a consequence of digital, for two reasons: (1) e-mail (2) almost everyone nowadays can type (that was definitely not the case just 40 years ago) *** The third-most traditional means: telegram. The telephone put that one mostly out of business, but it lingers on for special purposes. *** And Morse code: even the US military has - finally (and surprisingly) - let go of this one. As far as I know, HAM radio people still use it (but HAM radio itself has largely fallen by the wayside as a result of the world wide web). *** And finally telephone, which has done the opposite of dying. Nowadays kids expect to be given their own phones from a very young age. In my day that was only the case for spoiled rich teens, and doing so was commonly mocked and derided on TV shows and in movies as lavishly spoiling one's child (at best) or depicted as an endangerment to the child's wellbeing (at worst). *** As far as typed letters go; that was mostly relegated to business correspondence in my day, even when coming from an individual, so I'm not counting that as a traditional means under the criteria I mentioned initially.
  • ─•── • •••
  • Wat do u mean fam?
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Hiya mate, that's quite a give your head a wobble question.

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