  • Like most art, the song's lyrics are vague enough that the listener defines their own specific meaning. There are no overt references to race, but, the verse that references the support for the governor in Birmingham, at the time the song was released, must be loosely refering to George Wallace. Wallace's early political career was centered around racism. Interestingly, the song draws attention to the popular politics. Whether the song supports these politics or not is open to interpretation.
  • Ive heard the song a thousand times and never once even thought about who the governor was. The first 50 times I heard it I thought it was "in birmingham they love the gumnut" Try hard enough and you can claim anything is racist if you are silly enough.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      Thanks for sharing! Look and see who is asking this question. I don't want to have to give you a facepalm for your silly behavior, cause really, the song has circulated on many websites with people saying it is a racist song. Whether it's a racist song or not, I'm neutral here. That's why I am curious to ask what AB'ers think about the song lyrics.
    • 11stevo73
      you face palm me? You wouldn't have a hope in hell. You pathetic woman
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
      You're a tough guy, huh? Here you go: A facepalm is not an insult. It is a gesture of embarrassment. Therefore, don't pick a verbal fight with me. You are not going to win. The best thing you can do is go bash other AB'ers who will most likely not comment back. Some tough guy you are for wanting to physically fight a woman. LOL
    • 11stevo73
      why do you think your winning you pathetic little girl. YOu have done nothing you are a waste of space that talks shit. Ill say what I like and you can get stuffed you are a pathetic.
  • I don't think so. unless telling old Neill, they don't need him around qualifies. 10/13/23

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