Hello 11:45 A.M. just came online.
DancesWithWolvesI'm from the USA on the East Coast from Pennsylvania.
dalcoconoGood morning from the west coast, central CA,
DancesWithWolves@dalcocono Good Morning to you :) :)
Linda Joy
Are you still staff? Are you still working on getting my notifications working? -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
lol -
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
And I'm not here. I died of Covid. lol
It's 2:50 PM in New York State. Beautiful day by the way.
Good morning from CA Hot and dry here, with snow melting fast.
morning 6:45 am in south eastern Australia .
G'day mate, from CA USA 2:15 pm -
Cheers I visited CA last century -
I always wanted to visit Australia, but never got the chance. I used to work in a restaurant where we did Kontiki tours catering 2 or 3 times a week. They were mostly young Aussies traveling together in a bus seeing the US. I was chatting with one of them at the buffet as I was refilling some food item and I told him my wife and I were considering emmigraing to Australia. He said to me "better hurry up mate, before the "japs" buy it all up"! -
they own a lot here now, why the young city kids have no hope of owning a house in the suburb they grew up in. Every auction they goto some rich asian out bids them.
You know I'm here.
Yes ma'am. So far 5 users have shown up. I know there's more that that though. -
Linda Joy
Are you factoring in the voyeurs? -
No. I know they're there though, I just can't say how many.
If anyone asks, I was never here!
I won't tell. -
Linda Joy
Just got home, 17.12 hours BST.
I'm here again. Checking back in to let you know I did NOT die under the knife today. My 'procedure' was postponed 'till later this week. Sorry, you're stuck with me a bit longer.
Professor Yaffle
I hope your procedure goes well & you recover quickly. -
That's good. Best of luck for the upcoming procedure.
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