• Well...of those three things, Dorothy's slippers are magic and (because of their magic) the only thing useful in its own right. (Of course, the so-called ruby slippers used in the Wizard of Oz movie would NOT be magic. Interestingly: no ruby slippers in the book, instead silver shoes.)
  • Michael Jacksons white glove
  • Michael Jackson's glove. Then I'd have it dna tested. lol
  • I'll take Michael Keaton's Batman suit. He is the best Batman actor in my opinion. 🦇
    • Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
      And Jack Nicholson was the best Joker.
    • Jenny The Great ⭐
  • Dorothy's ruby red slippers would bring back a lot of great memories!!! I wasn't a fan of Keaton's Batman, so his suit would serve NO purpose. I had NO connection to Michael's glove...hence NO reason to need it either!!!

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