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  • A woman at the VA today told me that's what her grandma taught her. But it started from a comment by a man that it was hard to find a woman that would cook. I added that a lot of women nowadays don't know how to cook. This lady said she wished someone would tell her husband (partner?) that! I suggested it was her fault for doing it but she insisted on blaming her grandma. I always preferred cooking to keep food costs down, but soon realized I also like my food fixed a certain way and its not reasonable to ask others to do it like that, especially when they're young, inexperienced and working for minimum wage! But there's nothing wrong with wanting your tomato next to the mayo with just a hint of salt. No pickle, no mustard! And many times its faster to do it yourself anyway. If you prepare meals ahead it only takes a few minutes in the microwave to heat them up. MUCH FASTER than leaving work to go to the drive thru! What do you think?
  • Back in the day of your Grandmother and some more old fashioned folk, this may have been an expectation. My father never outwardly said he expected this, yet he never once cooked at home, or ate on paper plates at home (that I know of). (as per your question posed on another post about this question) I don't find this question offensive at all. If someone has a reaction to it, then it is an opportunity for those folks to look at their feelings around it. And let someone then ask "do you think a man should cook for his woman every day..........?"
    • Linda Joy
      Her grandmother. My family was different. I didn't visit my grandmother much, but she could cook. From what I do remember she worked and her husband had a garden. I think he was disabled. My mother worked and cooked, too. My father left when I was two and my stepfather sometimes cooked on the grill. Mom would make stuff inside to go with it. But my stepfather worked, too. He was a carpenter. He helped construct power plants for TVA in Tennessee and Alabama. You should ask that question. I followed this question with the question about the tire and oil, but since I put it in a different category it showed up in the questions list.
    • Linda Joy
      Interestingly its the smart men who are cooking more than they used to:

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