elf,gnome,dwarf,1/2 orc,1/2 elf, halfling aka hobbit, elfling(half elf half hafling), orc, minator, merefolk, centaur, bidmen, draconian,goblin, lizardmen aka lizardfolk, goliaths, bugbear, ogre,1/2 ogre, their just the basics of the top of my head then u have the varients their in each divison (as in dark high forest plains or as in draconian the varies races considered their in.) the more i type the more that fly into my head so im going to stop. what was the reason for the question.
You mean on first name basis? Can't say too many. But seriously, more than I can count.
^ All of those are humanoid races. ^ And sorry, I can't really think of any. Pretty much every fantasy author (throughout all of history), has based their fantasy races on the human anatomy.
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