You can look forward to using it for the long term, actually forever.
Cry me a River
Not so.. there is payday someday. -
Linda Joy
Exactly! But then again, I read about being placed on a mountaintop and letting the animals eat your flesh. That way your death can promote life! I kinda like that idea. Payday, as you call it won't influence the fact a decomposing body needs a legal place to be disposed. My earthly body won't be coming with me to Heaven.
i think it would be easier to sleep in a bed, ive had to sleep in an airbed the past yr cause of bugs in rny building, irn afraid to get a regular bed cause bugs live on the rnattress, never replaced rny couch cause i didnt want anything with cushions on it
Linda Joy
They make protective covers for mattresses to keep the bugs out. Couches are another story! Does your building not have an exterminator? -
yes and ive had rny place heat treated and sprayed 5 tirnes, i tried those covers and it didnt help and i got tired of the bugs which is why i got an airbed, i havent seen those bugs since ive been sleeping on an airbed
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