• I can,t remember if they were white or transparent. my older brother heard they were dangerous so he threw them and they landed on an electrical wire. I wonder if they are still there :D
  • I remember the stoopid TV ads for Clackers breakfast cereal.
    • Cry me a River
      Really, that almost sounds familiar.. did the cereal have something to do with the toy?
    • B.H. Wilson
      I remember eating a box of Clackers. It wasn't around too long before it was off the market.
    • Cry me a River
      1968-1973.. I,m thinking I got my clackers out of Clackers cereal.
    • Linda Joy
      No, clackers didn't come in cereal. And they were all colors.
    • Cry me a River
      They are a bit hard to describe... but there were two glass balls each at the end of a string, that were hooked , and you would clack them together above your hand then below your hand. If you were good at it you could do it real fast.
    • Cry me a River
      It was a very short era. Late 60,s I think.
  • Mine were transparent with a yellowish tint. I never got very good with them, but I was only 2. I found part of one end half buried in the dirt over 40 years later while visiting where my childhood home once stood. I didn't keep it. 11.19.2018
  • By reading some of your comments, I never found clacking glass balls inside a cereal box.
  • Yes, I remember them! They were extremely dangerous, with shards of glass breaking off and hurting kids! My hands were bruised the first couple of times I played with them. It was right up there with lawn darts! Its a miracle any of us lived through all the dangers of the 60's and 70's!
  • What a coincidence! I was just watching Johnny Be Good and at 50:36 he starts playing with a version of clackers that are red and green! Johnny Be Good is on tubi but leaving soon, if you want to catch it!
  • I am too young to remember the original version. And I was a little too old by the time they brought them back in safety form. But I do remember the two ceramic balls that you could smash together to make a spark, and how they would eventually shatter. Since there was no mechanical fixture to swing them together, though, I think the worst thing was that they were a fire hazard. Also, they never really took off into a trend.
  • I had forgotten the clackers spoken of here until I read some of the comments. The clackers I remember were made of metal with a piece of metal what when pressed would sound like "clack" and when released sounded like "ker". Many were in the shape of a frog and painted like a frog. I had several of them when I was young.

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