Oedipus the king series of events
I need help with the order of these events
1.oedipus called out of palace to meet up with suppliants
2.oedipus blind shimself
3.oedipus sends creon to pythian apoolo shrine for guidance
4.oedipus realizes he has been where the 3 roads meet
5.oedipus goes in secret to dolphi to find the truth about his percentage where apollo denies
6. creon tells oedipus he has no desire to take the over the throne
7.Jacousta hangs himself
8. messenger announces polybus oedipus father
9. Messenger annoucnes polybus father has died of age
10. Lauis is murdered at the palace
11.King lauis receives oracle not from apollo
12.Messeneger confirms to oedipus that the servant is the one who gave the infant
13.oedipus becomes the royal power of thebes
14.Before his child printed his ankle together and ordered men tho throw him
15 The sprinx blocks investigation of lauis murdered by singing
16 Jacousta tells opedius a story of apollo oracle and not to worry about the prophecy
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