• No..."POP,POP,POP...Clown down the drain ..upsetting & actually horrifying!
  • His books are/were good. Movies? Sometimes. Stand By Me, Shining, Pet Sematary, Green Mile, Christine. All those were good. Creepshow, Sleepwalkers, Running Man.....horrible. Too bad, Running Man was a good story.
  • not sure since i dont go to movies much
  • Films are rarely as good as the books. Mainly as the authors have little input into them.
    • mushroom
      Something about King in particular, makes it a 50/50 proposition on film.
    • Linda Joy
      I agree
  • The stand was all right ,needful things had a few characters deleted for the movie the book was lots better. Is Stephen King a peadophile is the question? Most movies based on his books are b grade movies. I've watched most of them some many times. The Langoliers, Sometimes they come back .
  • Stephen King is a masterful storyteller. His books are translated into 50 languages around the world. Which is why his movies deserve the vast recognition.
  • Some of his movies were a lot better than others. His books were all very good though, IMHO. 7/20/24
  • Agreed, the films are generally crap. The only ones that I found partly enjoyable are Misery and The Running Man. I disliked Shawshank and The Green Mile, and the rest that I've seen: well, I'll never consider watching them again. * Because the King films are almost universally bad, I've never read any of his novels.
  • That's true except for the Shining and Misery
  • I agree that movies in general are not as good as the books. My ex liked Steven King. I read The Bachman Books trying to like them so we could share that, but I'm just not much into horror.

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