I'd say yes!
Yes we all do bleed the same. Cut me you see. I love this song.
10-4-2017 Sorry, I just can't get into philosophies presented in rhyming cliches. Your proposition might have some philosophical merit, but it is factually incorrect. Even as a philosophy it needs a lot of explaining.
true and sometimes i wish people wouldnt be racist
Rick Myres
The culture thing was going on in the Bible. One example was about the good Samaritan the people passing by and not helping.
Disagree. I understand the positive message being attempted, but people generally aren't really that sophisticated - especially when angered. The problem isn't people thinking each other different -we are all individuals - But getting into a state of mind where we abuse the other for being such.
Linda Joy
I see your point. But I think the statement and sentiment are true. we all basically want the same things for ourselves, our families and our lives. Our DNA is 99% identical as humans. We really are basically the same. And we need Unity as well as that 1% diversity to make us strong. Worldwide!
That's what Shakespeare's Shylock said.
Disagree. The Hapsburgs bleed more rapidly and Octpuses bleed blue.
Says the hypochondriac (jk)
Linda Joy
I wish! I can't even remember the last time I called the VA hospital for an appointment! Its always them calling me scheduling something! I'm not a hypochondriac, I'm just old and decrepit!! -
My apologies there. I should have put JK on it too, as you can safely assume.
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