• They're supposed to be building a station there in 2028. I don't know if I'll live that long.
    • Anoname
      Hopefully with an amusement park, a five star hotel, and good food court.
    • Linda Joy
      My bad it's Mars where they're putting the station in 2028. Ice man's putting a hotel on the moon. He was asking for suggestions for names. Someone suggested the name it Moonshine. I suggested he name the bar Moonshine and call the hotel Lunar Lullaby. Karen had a really great idea about putting a sculpture of Ice man in the lobby.
    • Linda Joy
      What would you call the amusement park?
    • Anoname
      Zero Gee's Amusement Park. Instead of fearing falling to the ground when on the costers you'd be worried about getting flug out into the void of space.
    • Linda Joy
      Is it weird that the thought of getting flung out into space sounds exciting to me? Black space is pure energy!

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