This same question was asked by another visitor to this site about a month ago. I answered - One Big Adventure.
Linda Joythat sounds like mine. Can you grab the link to that question by any chance and post it here? if not I can hunt for it.
Linda JoyI've looked through three questions like this and didn't see you. Several good answers though! I'll have to pay more attention to the bottom of the page from now on. Thanks!
"What could have been". So much potential so many people never used it right or just flat never saw it.
"You did WHAT ?"
"Alien Castaway."
It could happen! Mystery
A Hard Life Lived In The Hard Lane. The nature of your question suggests biography.
The Incredible Life of the most Functional Dysfunctional
Nothing to see here
"The Enigma".
Beat Covid, Avoid Republicans
You're not enigma. Stupidity isn't that hard to figure out
Jack the Giant Slayer.
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