I think a black visor and either a black sweatshirt or black tshirt. He used to wear black/grey/ or red skater type of clothes alot. He rarely took off his visor either LOL
Sweet FA
I cant even remember who my first boyfriend was let alone what he was wearing.
No, but it was the first time I saw him without a baseball cap on. I still liked him all balding and stuff. Thought it was cute and glad that he didn't try to hide it.
ya i do. light blue jeans and a red shirt. we were going to a hockey game.= for are first date.
I remember what my husband of 25 years was wearing: some ass-fit jeans and a black Calvin Klein T-shirt. I could not tell you for the life of me what I was wearing though ...
My first date was over 20 years ago, LOLOL, so no, I can't remember that far back.
On our first "real" date, he was wearing a grey pinstripe suit, and I was wearing a formal gown.
He was wearing BDUs, combat boots, a Samaritan's Purse T-shirt and a red windbreaker. :) Romantic, huh?
dickies and a white shirt and black adidas Same thing he wore for the next hundred dates until he started experimenting with JEANS and other kinds of shirts....ooooooh. He's not big on change that one.
haha! Yeah will never forget. Blue running shorts and a faded blue polo shirt. Funny combo but he still turned me on regardless of what he had on.
only the end of it, nothing .
haha yeep
i dont remember exactly, but i'm sure it was jeans and a nice button down long sleeve shirt, with the sleeves rolled up half way. that's what he wears when he's trying to look casual and less business.
Of course. He wears virtually the same thing everyday: a black t-shirt, black Dickies shorts, and black Vans.
On our first date, my husband wore plaid pants and a cream colored shirst with a patterened yoke.
yes black pants and white shirt
Navy blue swimming trunks! (We went to the beach.)
Jeans,a black shirt and a gorgeous smile:)
Actually I dont remember... but I do remember waht she was wearing the first time we made love. :) A beautiful yellow dress :)
yep jeans and a polo
Yup a green and black shrit and black and red and white pants pretty sexy
My Husband was wearing khakis, a green and cream plaid button down, a brown belt and brown Nunn Bush shoes.
My husband was wearing tight blue jeans and a AC/DC concert t-shirt.
one of her school uniforms.she was so HOT
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