Softball, it is easy and fun for everyone.
Dodge Ball!!! Hey, if you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball!
Kickball. Anyone can do it and it's fun. All we'll need is a big ball and people. Good morning Mom Rosie. How are you this morning?
Jacks or hopscotch..too old for the rough stuff. Hey Rosie good to see ya! But if they vote for the rough stuff we could be the cheerleaders as long as we dont have to do flips or splits or cartwheels..I'm in:)
Poker. If it's on ESPN, I consider it a sport.
Croquet anyone?
Ping Pong! Er, I mean Table Tennis.
Ice skating. Anyone can learn the basics in half an hour, its funny when you fall over, and the ones who're good can show off their moves and have races.
Hunting..... each other.
egyptian ratscrew! anyone heard of it?
I think wrestling would be good .... Some could be wrestlers .. others managers, valets, announcers, and support staff. +5
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