I am probably the most staunch anti-communist you will find in the post-McCarthy era.
I'm not into a major role in Communism, but rahter in Democracy.
I am not for communism. I think it is a horrible way of government, and it hurts people's lives.
I think some of the principles are a good idea in theory but that doesn't necessarily mean they're going to work when put into practice.
Communism is a colossal fantasy...a big lie. It went broke in the Soviet Union and everywhere else. Look what is going on in China, they are moving the opposite way. Those who believe and are making moves toward Communism are like people who want to make moves toward going back to Sound Hour Glasses and Outhouses. They are just plain naive fanatics.
Communism is a good theory based on helping the greater good. Unfortunately, it's never successfully been put into practice. Not all good ideas play out well.
all forms of government are sh1t... but i guess they keep law-and-order, but id rather like communism, than capitalism
Neither Communism nor Capitalism work in their purest forms. Communism can only work if people have no greed whatsoever, and pure Capitalism can only work if people temper their greed with compassion. In the real world, people don't fit either description, so the only thing that works is a middle road. And, BTW- every economy that ever existed were on that middle road. Even the most Communist of countries still had rich and poor, and even the most Capitalist still have welfare, social security, and public institutions. I believe the best solution is more toward a European model: more socialist than the US, but no where near China or the USSR.
Some ideas of communism work, in an ideal world, which we will never live in. Communism has always been corrupted by crooked leaders, and has therefore never worked (well) in any country.
I believe it could work and has worked in the past.It has been corrupted like all forms of government have been.No single form of government works.Only a combination of all form will work.
ehh communism... the thought sounds nice but in reality it doesn't can't have a perfect society without a supreme perfect being present in my basically communism doesn't work out because the "communist" leaders are OVER TESTOSTERONED POWER-NEEDING CAVEMEN!lol well there i said it communism: good "communism": bad
Like many things, it has suffered from our shitty execution.
I belive that Communism cannot succeed w/o Anarchism because a rich controled state will not take its own power away just for the people-They would rather have a dictatorship, that's where America is heading. AFTER the people take responsibility of themselfs and stop bagging the gov. to give them its tit, THEN and only then can a communist society work.
Sounds kinky.
Yes-I am. I was born in a communist country, I have lived in other communist and socialist countries and they are better than capitalist societies. Free health care, education and affordable housing are basic human rights. Exploiting your fellow man is NOT a human right.
I'm in support of many of the ideas of TRUE communism. I don't believe that this planet has ever seen true Communism. If you read "The Communist Manifesto" by Karl Marx, you will see that Capitalism is a pre-requisite. His hypothesis/theory is that Socialism and Communism will evolve from Capitalism when the working class (defined as those who sell their labor) overthrow and rule the upper class (defined as those who own the means of production). Russia went straight from feudalism under the Romanov dynasty to "socialism" under Lenin. There are many good arguments contemporary to Lenin on why this wasn't possible, but the strongest argument is that capitalism and democracy had not first been established. As for "Communism", it self-destructs as an economic model without the pre-requisites, so there is no real need to fight it. Where this "communism" (for lack of a better word) exists, it is contained and even eroding. China is growing as an economic power due to more free-market integration.
I'm in favor of Communism and Socialism, definitely.
Marxism in it's purest form would actually work. The problem is that Communists have twisted it into state focused socialism which seems very contrary to liberating the workers from the rich who own the means of production and transferring that to the elite power holders who oversee the means of production. Either way the poor don't improve their lot. It can only work as a personal set of ideals that individuals hold in common for the betterment of themselves and not for any state controlled Beaurocracy . So I am not for Communism since it will never be applied properly.
Wait a year or so and you will find out.
It never works. There has NEVER been a successfully run communist government. The people who come to power have ALWAYS become dictators. There is a natural progression of the best and the brightest to rise to the top, make the most money etc. The working class shouldn't be getting the same piece of the pie as the educated engineers designing what they build or the people facilitating the whole process. Plus, people need to take care of themselves, people will never excel if the government is their nanny. Here is a picture of why capitalism works. This is Korea at night, can you tell the difference between North Korea and South Korea?
I am not for Communism.
I've fought against Communism, but age has taught me that there is no perfect system of government. I'm not much on any type of government because government of any type is corrupt. I am however for the people and in-particular the poor and weak. Regardless of how poorly Communism has been applied by man, by design it is concerned with the underdog. I like this. Under Capitalism, man exploits man. Under Communism, it's exactly the opposite.... :-)
Consider what Communism actually is: A promise of paradise if you surrender absolute and permanent power to politicians of one party, with no possibility of new elections. It works fabulously well for the politicians. The people, however, live like domestic animals, provided they remember their place.
The only thing I agree with Marx about is that religion is the opiate masses. Other than that he left his idea with tons of holes. Communism will never work because it goes against basic human nature. People don't care enough about their fellow man to make it work. There is not enough personal incentive. Communist theory assumes that all humans are basically good, well motivated, and possess equal capabilities and motivation. The majority of people only do what they need to to get by. Most people are stupid and lazy... There are those who are not who will rise to be the rulers, and facilitators of any nation regardless of the type of government, communist, libertarian, democracy or whatever. People who believe in communism put to much faith in the goodness of man and the average persons work ethic.
No, if a government takes any of what I have produced or my wealth and what they do with it does not personally benefit me, that is theft.
For real, true, pure communism, I am completly for it. For what Cuba or the Former Soviet Union has, which as we both know, is NOT communism, I don't support that in anyways. But for real Marixst Communism, yes I am toattly 100% for that.
No. For Communism as practiced by the various Communist parties of the world - certainly not. But even the most puristic theoretical Communism that some people hope for misunderstands basic human nature and basic economics. That kind of airy-fairy "share and share alike" hopefulness will *never* work with real human beings. We have to work with people as they are, not as we would wish them to be.
I am for Libertarian society, but I realize that it is just a pipe dream just like communism ,simply because people are flawed.
I know that Dick451 is.
No, I`m not, I had have more than enough, living in the USSR. Who wants to live in Communism can go and try it in North Korea.I`m happy my country now calls Russia again and we have no communism any more.
It's a nice idea it just doesn't work.
I`m a Ruissian woman, living in Russia, and Ialso lived in my country when it called the USSR, and let me tell you, that I don`t wish even to my enimy to live in the country with communism system. This system is against the humans, and I can tell- I`m against Communism.
"Communism is an ideology that seeks to establish a classless, stateless social organization based on common ownership of the means of production. It is usually considered a branch of the broader socialist movement that draws on the various political and intellectual movements that trace their origins back to the work of Karl Marx." Source: In this sence, I would be for Communism. However, the countries which have actively tried to put this into practice have often not only not reached those goals, but also sometimes installed an unacceptable totalitarianism.
Ive drifted over to communism now that im older
no it's been tested and it did'nt work look up "lenin" or "staline" or north korea if you need proof.
In theory, yes. However, I don't believe it's possible for a nation to successfuly practice true Communism. Human nature, greed, and the desire to distinguish oneself from others will always trump the idea of the common good.
I believe mankind is too corrupt for communism to actually work properly.
No, I advocate small government.
WE ALL ARE! don't believe me? go pick up any of the millions of things in your home made in China! We got rid of those pesky Russian Commies and then made friends with Communist China and went off to go kill some brown people for oil?! And don't try to tell me buying,importing and using Chinese made products is not supporting communism.
This is a difficult question to answer. To accept the failure of communism as definitive, one would nessecarily be mocking the crying social injustices that it sought to redeem. And yet, the abject failure of the system to redress these abuses leads me to believe that the collapse of the communist system was a good thing. Perhaps, the destruction of the Marxist-Leninist ideology will lead to the formation of a more viable program for human emancipation...or maybe not. Who can say? All I know is that its time to go back to the basics, back to the original Marx. Communists around the world need to completely rethink their conception of Marxism. Perhaps, a new generation of revolutionaries will succeed where Lenin failed so spectacularly.
Socialism is the middle ground between Communism and Capitalism
no. i'd like to see the revival of paganism :D that would really mix things up wouldn't it. Christian nation my ass! : )
Capitalism is the best system in which people can make free choices. Communism is a system adverse to human nature because people are naturally self-interested, not altruistic. Any country who practiced Communism had to impose a dictatorship to enforce the system and each one ultimate succumbed due to its own corruption.
Under capitalism man exploits man. Under communism the governmant exploits the individual. People are greedy and lazy. They are more than willing to sit back and watch the next man do his work for him. Civilization cannot exist without exploitation. Somebody has to do the dirty unpleasent work for the society to exist. There are not enough resources for everyone to have a good life. Unfortunately an underclass must suffer for society to survive. This is human history,the exploitation of the vunerable. Communism collapsed economically,capitalism has faltered,but has survived.The future will see hybrid systems of capitalism,socialism,and fascism.
Yes. In Cuba. Anywhere else- no.
That is thread 12 room 101... Down the hall to the left. Look for the red flag and the angry people with Ayn Rand novels and manefestos tucked under their arms.
As an ideal of equality = yes. As a politico-economic system = no. ;-)
Communism, like so many things, is good in moderation. I'm not sure a pure communist system can work, but then neither can a pure capitalist system.
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