No, I really don't think you're dying. Are you a teenager, because I have very similar sleeping patterns.
No,sweetie, but I would go and have yourself checked out. There are many things that can do this, from depression, to glandular fever, to multiple sclerosis to chronic fatigue syndrome. To allay your fears, get yourself checked out throroughly, blood tests and all. That way you know. All the best.
i am 18, i just now started to sleep for 15-17 hrs. i usually get around 7-8 hrs of sleep during the week for school. but on Saturday.(like today) i slept from 3am to 8pm. i think It's just the weekdays that make me tired, but i could be wrong. because i never slept this long till just a few weeks ago. and even when i would stay up for like 2-3 days, I'd only sleep for around 12 hrs.
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