• They do this? I have seen lactating gorillas squirt breast milk into their own mouths but haven't seen this other trick you speak of. Hey, they are animals, dogs lick their own rumps.
  • Who ever said that they could? Most monkeys play host to a very large number of bacteria/viruses/parasites at any given time, so technically speaking, they can't drink their own urine without all the same possible repercussions that any other animal would suffer from the same practice. The only thing that stops monkeys from falling ill because of all the pathogens they ingest is the ironic fact that because they do things like drink their own urine, their immune systems have been exposed to many pathogens already, and therefor they have greater immunity and resistence to the pathogens in their urine.
  • Humans can drink their own urine and not get sick. Urine is sterile, it only picks up bacteria if any is present on the external genitalia.

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