• You'd butter believe it!
  • If it it not true butter it is deadly for your health.
  • Yes it is margerine i tried it once and it tasted like margerine,i only buy butter but thought i would give it a the bin it went.
  • Its butter to be safe than sorry
  • According to Wikipedia: "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter is a brand of margarine produced by Becel/Flora/Promise, which is a subsidiary of Unilever" "Per 100g of "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" spread, it has 70g of fat, with around 8.4% saturated, 57% monounsaturated, 24.5% polyunsaturated, and 0% trans fats. Which relates to about 630kCal. Although the manufacturer claims that the product contains no Trans Fat, this may not be entirely true. Checking the ingredients listed on the package shows hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils as part of the makeup. This is because the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) allows food manufacturers to make the claim as long as each serving of the product has less than half a gram of trans fat. In a serving of 14g, this equates to up to 3.5% trans fat by weight. A study by the Center for Science in the Public Interest in April 2006 showed that this and several other spreads claiming "no trans fat" do in fact contain trans fats in what may be considered significant quantities." The unilever corp (maker of ICBINB)has changed the formula since a report regarding the trans fat content. For some really funny spoofs of this product, type the name into your search box and scroll down to "Devil Ducky",(and others) Have fun.
  • Can't believe its not butter? I can't believe that stuff is fit for human consumption! Blech! Despite the cutsy, misleading name, it contains all of the transfats and vile tongue-coating oiliness that other margarine possesses. Therefore, I think I'll stick with butter
  • Chemically emulsified vegatable fat with butter flavor added... in other words a lot worse for you than butter!
  • Its Margerine, actually healthier then butter. its called this coz its margerine that tastes as good as real butter
  • margine healthy for you.
  • Glorified vegetable oil that is Gluten free and has 70% less saturated fat than Butter.
  • We gave up on the margerines long ago. Real live butter may be nothing but milk fat but at least it's natural. It cooks better also.
  • Bottom line...for its considerably higher priced principally water and vegetable oil spread, I CAN believe it's NOT butter. Doesn't taste like butter t' way. It just LOOKS like butter...sorta. One other thing...don't even THINK about this stuff, or its relatives, gettin' anywhere NEAR my fresh corn on the cob! :-)
  • I Can't Believe Anyone Would Eat It!
  • Plastic!
  • I Can't Believe It's Not Butter is a butter-like spread that is made of plant fat instead of animal fat. Animal fat, or butter, is a solid fat the clogs your arteries. Plant fat, such as unsaturated fat, is a liquid fat that is actually healthy for you. Mono and Polyunsaturated fats are heart healthy because they contain Omega 3 & 6. Adding everything up, it is actually quite a bit better for you than actual butter.

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