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Obviously we communicate by speech face to face and using the telephone etc.Body language is also a major way we communicate and people form impressions of others based more on this than speech.Noise like sirens and light e.g. flashing lights-think ambulances,boats etc are also used to communicate with other humans.
My favorite way is body language. Sometimes, very subtle, and sometimes not-so-much!
We speak, we move, we use our eyes, we give off aromas, we touch, we do things for others, we write, we creat art that sayys something or makes someone feel something, through music or video.
from my point of view i think taht we communicate in various ways
some ways of communicating; speech/language (sign language etc) action and movement technology (email,text etc) books and written signs scents/smell facial expression and for some, by spiritual means...can we communicate with the dead?
Verbally, with our hands, with our eyes, different forms of writing...... mail, email, texting, telephone, Skype
This is a very open question. In any relationship we talk, we look at each other, we care in certain ways... if your talking about communication in general, well, being with another person is far better than communicating through email, or skype, or any of the various computer venues. I believe people need far more person to person contact than the computer age taking over in ways that we contact each other and communicate.
Here are a few ways!! Computers, messengers, e-mails, letters, face-to-face, talking on the phone, texting, walkie talkies, microphones, and comments...
Several ways, everyone is different. Some people communicate better in person, while others not face to face. Some can't really communicate in words at all, so they create songs or art work to describe themselves. Some are direct, while others are passive. Some are to the point while others tend to mix it up in all the details. I noticed my s/o tends to be open on AB instead of talking to me directly. It bothers me that he can't be open with me in person, but I suppose posting online is a start rather than just keeping it to himself.
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