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If you feel like you can be yourself around the person, if you're at ease and secure with them, if both parties try to think about the other's feelings before their own. Overall though, I'd say that the best indicator is when both people are happy in it.
you don't need the police involved. or lawyers.
When people cannot understand why you act like honeymooners "after all these years"
Arguing! Obviously not all the time, but let me tell you, if you think your relationship is perfect because you never fight, you are sooo wrong. If you don't argue and fight once in a while, then it means you two aren't comfortable enough with one another to say what you're really thinking, because there will always be at least minor disagreements. Also trust, mutual respect and, of course, love :)
Having fun and argueing a bit plus ummm...Love respect and all that mushy junk
Laughter. At yourselves and each other!
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