1 cent doubled daily for 30 days... as it adds up to $10,737,418.24.
Maybe I am reading this wrong, but wouldn't having one cent doubled each day yield me only 60-62 cents? I mean, if given the choice, I would most definitely pick the $100,000.00 as I do need a great deal of money as of late. That would most likely cover the majority of what I need (college funds), and any extra I would use to support myself while *in* college. (Okay, well clearly I misssed the whole "one cent" thing, so I'm just going to make it easier on myself and say "whichever gives me more money." Heh. [I know, it sounds greedy when put that way...])
One cent doubled for 30 days - I want to by a house and music equipment
I would marry Tani so she could make these decisions for me :)
$21,474,836.47 One cent on the first day then add each day's wage to the total. Using Excel, I found the above to be the correct total.
I'd rather have the one cent doubled everyday for 30 days; it ends up being way more than $100,000.
2 to the 30th power minus 1 is the correct answer.
The one cent doubled every turns out to be an incredible amount, believe it or not.
I'd go for one cent doubled each day for a month,that'd give me about $10,737,418.25 if my calculations are correct,thats better then $100,000
Add on an extra day (some months have 31 days) and you end up with $42,949,672.94. Oh the joys of compounding. For you that don't get it. day 1-.02, day 2-.02*2=.04, day 3 .04*2=.08, .day 4 .08*2=.16 and so on for 31 days.
One cent! Because.... look at the bottom row. Day 1: $.01 Day 2: $.02 Day 3: $.04 Day 4: $.08 Day 5: $.16 Day 6: $.32 Day 7: $.64 Day 8: $1.28 Day 9: $2.56 Day 10: $5.12 Day 11: $10.24 Day 12: $20.48 Day 13: $40.96 Day 14: $81.92 Day 15: $163.84 Day 16: $327.68 Day 17: $655.36 Day 18: $1,310.72 Day 19: $2,621.44 Day 20: $5,242.88 Day 21: $10,485.76 Day 22: $20,971.52 Day 23: $41,943.04 Day 24: $83,386.08 Day 25: $167,772.16 Day 26: $335,544.32 Day 27: $671,088.64 Day 28: $1,342,177.28 Day 29: $2,684,354.56 Day 30: $5,368,709.12
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