• In America, there probably isn't much difference in pay between the various jobs in a given area that are available to a 16-year-old with no work experience. So instead, look for a job that either interests you, or offers the best work experience, or the best benefits, depending on which is most important to you.
  • Waiting tables can pay much better than other jobs that are open to 16 year olds. The base pay is low, but the majority of the income comes from tips. Additionally, many waitpeople (illegally) under-report their tip income, reducing the amount of taxes they have to pay. Fast food establishments such as McDonalds hire many teenage employees, but the starting pay is quite low.
  • Working at a discount chain store such as Wal-Mart is a good idea, or be a legitimate tele-marketer, phone operator, work for an answering service (this is where you answer calls and take the messages by typing them into your computer), work at a dept. store say like Dillard's, or Sears, if you enjoy cars, work at a store like The Autozone. The bottom of the barrel is working at a fast food restaurant. Although, it is relatively easy--doesn't require any real skills, or thought. You might work at Burger King, or McDonald's. These are jobs that can lead to management positions over time. Just make sure that you remain with the same employer for, at least, 1 year because if you decide you hate the job, then quit, it won't look good when you're trying to go for another job. Bottom line: Once you get hired, always be respectful to both your employer, fellow co-workers, and customers. How well you treat your boss, your fellow employees and customers carries great weight when it comes time for a raise, or a promotion and if you have a respectful attitude, then you're much likely to get promoted more quickly and receive a pay raise quicker. Also be sure to be punctual and hard-working. Employers hate it when their employees are late and/or require them to create work for themselves. Always find something to keep busy doing and NEVER make personal phone calls at your place of employment. It's not only unprofessional, but employers are likely to get extremely upset and worse case scenario, fire you. Good luck!
  • Dillard's, or Sears,Wal-Mart, legitimate tele-marketer, phone operator restaunts,waiting tables summerjobs any job they can find
  • work on the street
  • I think that a housekeeping position will pay very well depending on where you worked and they are always open to 16 year olds.
  • Bagger or fry boy/girl
  • Babysitting after school or just during the summer!!!!!
  • i would think that a food service job would be the best kind of "first job". it shows how hard things can get and how hard you need to work to make it in life.
  • i do not have working experience who can i get a job
  • you could work at the mall in the clothing stores
  • having a good old wankk!!.lolol im mean the porn industry its really good hahahah!!!ploppp!! i juss bustt!!!hahaha uncle-wanks....
  • Flip this house, errrrrrrrrrr Flip those burgers. Not much of a job, but it will give you experience in the working class.
  • what are some jobs hispanics that can speak english and spanish can get?
  • super markekets
  • Most stores and restaurants will hire a 16 year old for after school and weekend work.
  • I work for a temp agency, and jobs for teens are very tough to find. One great resource is , which allows teens to sign up and work with them. Fun and flexible.
  • Be a lifeguard! Contact a local Community Pool Management Company. You most likely will have to pay for training/certifications---but if you are good and dependable, you can get plenty of hours --- and if you are really good---- a promotion to Asst. Manager or Manager the next season. Good Luck!
  • Somewhere they'll actually hire you! Any place that'll give you money, trust me Im at that age and it's takein me forever just to find a damn job! It's rediculous....I really don't have a good answer cause Im stuck too. xoxo, Ashley
  • fast food. the mall. an intern somewhere. babysitter. perhaps music lessons if you know how to sing or play something? (cuz that's what i do. i give clarinet and flute. $7 for an hour-long lesson. not much, but it's something) um... if any new stores in your area are opening up soon, be one of the first to grab an application. good luck with your job hunt!!
  • work on the street, prostitute. get good money with that.
  • I have had 4 different jobs and I'm only 17. I started working at age 15 for a restraunt chain that is fairly common. I'm not sure if they were legally allowed to hire me, but they did. It might just be that you need a work permit to work at 15 or 16. A clue to where I worked and was paid quite well thanks to tip share, "Some of the best steak is made 'down under'." Another place I worked was as a gymnastics coach in a local gym. Funny thing is I don't know gymnastics...well, I was paid 8 dollars an hour. Then I got a job at Discount Tire. I am making 9.25 an hour and the strarting wage was 9 dollars. Great job, even though it is tiring...ha ha TIRE-ING. Sorry. My recommendation is to go around and ask as much as possible. Find which ever one is best for you. Good luck!
  • Western wats. Pays good, Flexible hours, not so fun job. apply at
  • re: august 14, 2005....being a newspaper route kid with eighty papers on a bicycle.
  • do yard work for pay under the table.
  • Mc D's
  • Crew for a fastfood chain Deliveries
  • You are around 20 now so I have what you have been looking There are many ways to make money online, but the best is always the SAFEST! Watch my video and learn how I am living comfortably working at home with a 10 YEAR OLD company. Thank me later!

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