What do you mean by dirty? Recruiting violations? Most yards penalized? Most aggressive style of play? If you're talking recruiting violations, most of the top tier scools have had warnings or punishments. If you go back a few years, SMU received the biggest penalty when their 1987 season was canceled. The dirtiest game of 2006 was definitly Miami vs. Florida International. There was a nasty brawl with a number of players suspended from both teams. If you're talking the most on the field penalties, All time would be Grambling (1977). In 2006 the most penalized team was the eventual National Champion - Florida (116 penalties). It goes to show that penalties are not necessarily a bad thing! If you're talking most agressive in 2006, I'd have to go with Boise State. They pulled out every trick play in the book to go undefeated. The BSU vs. OU Fiesta bowl has to be up there in most amazing games in history, with awesome plays by both teams. Of course as with everything else in college football, these matters are always up for debate. :)
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