• I like older guys because I feel like I am more mature than people my age and I like guys that I can relate with.
  • More mature
  • maybe because Men mature later than Women?
  • Maturity plays a part but I believe a big part of it is financial stability/money. Surely you've heard the term 'sugar daddy.' Just Google that term and you'll see several dating websites specifically hooking up young attractive women with older men with money.
  • Maturity, money.
  • They may be looking for the stability and strength that an older person might give them. They may feel older inside and not relate much to their peers. They may be after money and position that a younger person may not have attained yet. They may like a man that looks and feels mature. I know I have never liked the slim, boyish look that most young men have. I like a sense of maturity and self-confidence that is based on something besides being 'young and know it all". I'm sorry but wisdom and maturity take time and younger people don't have either, usually. But then again, their is alot to be said for growing up together and growing INto each other. I met my husband when I was 14 and he was 19. We waited till I was 18 to marry and have been married for almost 34 years, now. We have grown closer and learned from each other. It helped build the relationship into an equal partnership without one being the overall stronger one. He has his strengths and I have mine.
  • Besides the reasons given above which boil down to maturity and money, I think that some women are seeking a father type. some even wnat a disiplinarian who they can more easily relate with when he is older. Some women need to be told what do and when. They thrive in that environment, unlike most other modern women.
  • some women look for a fatherly affection, some like men that are matured and had a lot of experience or some other individually reasons
  • It's that emotional security that many of them ooze from their pours that younger women like so much. They know that these guys aren't likely to play around on them like a younger man might. Some younger women like the girth of their wallets too since it is more likely that an older man is going to be able to wine and dine them as opposed to a younger guy who might be able to take them out once in a while.
  • i reckon its kind of a security thing. my friend was dating an older man ( a lot older) and people said it was because she wanted security.
  • I think it happens very much when girls haven't grown up and they are just replacing one authority figure with strength and security (dad) for another one. Or trying to get it because they didn't as a child? And men like gilrs how aren't as strong of personality and individualism as a grown woman, one who makes him feel all important and needed as a mature guy. And he thinks they look good on his arm, a trophy. I'm 'this old' and I still have 'it'
  • It depends on the age. I'm guessing a teenage girl would want to date an older guy because it would make her stand out more. She wants what she can't have.
  • I find myself only sexually attracted to older men. It is on a purely physical basis. My boyfriend is 26 years older than me (I'm 23, he's 49). Besides him being very handsome anyway, there is something about the lines of his face, he roughness of his skin, it just appeals to me. He looks nothing like my father. I don't like being "spoiled", we share things equally. People always say I seem much older than I am and it really doesn't feel like age plays any kind of role when we are together. It offends me when people automatically assume that just because you're a younger woman with an older man, it must mean you're a gold digger. It's offensive to my tastes, and it's offensive to my boyfriend, as it implies that his personality and his looks add up to nothing, when it is exactly those traits that made me attracted to him from the moment I met him. Older men do also tend to be more relaxed and not so hungup over everything as well.
  • I'm attracted to older men because they already lived the life and know how to keep a women. Also their more mature and seem more settled.
  • Maybe because older men are perceived to be more confident of themselves. No need to stroke their ego by fooling around. I may be wrong though.
  • I have been attracted to men who are quite a lot older than I am...and I have tried to figure out why. Here's what I have come up with...they tend to know themselves better, which means they can really get to know you. they often have the stupid craziness out of their system and are happy to just chill with you. the biggest thing, though, that attracts me to a man is his quirks and sense of humor...I have just happened to find older men who posses those qualities.
  • im nearly 17 and all i ever go for i looveee older men, i dont know why, my mum and friends frind it odd !
  • All of my friends are older, so naturally if I hang out with an older crowd I'm likely to end up dating an older guy. My boyfriend's 24 years older than me. We get along incredibly well, I'm extremely attracted to him, and we are very comfortable together. And, not to be too defensive, but I'm a very independent, financially secure, strong woman. (Not into sugar daddies.)
  • they are father figures
  • I'm attracted to older men simply because they are more mature, and I guess wisdom taught them to think with the right head more often Lol :D
  • def luff older guys but not too much older (ewe), like, my limit it 6 or 7 years but when you're young that is pretty significant =) and yeh its def bout feeling "protected" or woteva, u get better taken care of - for lack of a better expression hehe
  • Exoticism. It is like traveling to a foreign country. Think about it.... If you marry someone the same age as you, there are way fewer things that they can teach you. You grew up with the same: music, commercials, educational system, world history, social norms, etc. Marrying an older man is like visiting Paupua New Guinea and fraternizing with the natives. You learn a whole new piece of culture and then you...sleep with it. Signed: 42 year old wife married to 66 year old hubby.
  • Sometimes power and or money. Or, I believe we all marry someone who allows us to continue the relationship we have with our opposite sex parent.
  • So you're saying, the older I get, the better chance I have of getting a date? SWEET!
  • I can't really say that I've ALWAYS been attracted to older men... but I know I was never attracted to boys my own age. The night I met my husband we sat together and talked for seven hours. At a party. On fourth of July. We totally missed the fireworks, and we were fast friends ever since. He remembered my birthday six months later (not even my family did that) and remembered which band I said I liked on that night. He understood my sense of humour, and never thought it strange that I would rather read a reference book on Egyptian architecture than watch a sitcom. He was capable of carrying an intelligent conversation without being demeaning or pushing his viewpoint. And he treated me with full and complete respect, unwaveringly. And, and... he likes my cooking. He also collected comic books, played Dungeons and Dragons, and could do a full cartwheel better than I can. I never received any of this from a 21 year old man. So I married a 37 year old man. I'm a little old for my age, he's a little young for his. We meet well in the middle ^_^
  • Women attracted to older men are more mature...and they want their guy to be mature too. It's a fact that a guy at the age of 21 is less mature than a female at the same age. Why bother with immaturity? I like someone to act grown..not need to be babysat.
  • Personally, I find it attractive when a man has his s*it together. Usually when a woman in her mid-20's starts figuring out what she wants in life, most of the guys her age are still in "party hard" mode. So she seeks out for a man that knows what he wants in life and is ready to put in the hard work and dedication it takes to reach those goals... it's a turn on.
  • Because they can be secure in themselves and who they are. Don't have the need to prove themselves to anyone.
  • For physical reasons and simply the fact that men mature slower than women
  • father figure
  • The two most important things for me are: Experience and security (not financial). Regards.
  • funny you should say done with toyboys and im going for a mature guy next, probably for the same reasons everybodys listed so far?
  • more mature and better looks
  • Maturity. I don't have to "mother" him, because he already has his life sorted out. With younger guys I always felt they were looking for someone to do everything for him, and not take on resposibility.
  • Because older men has more skills in everything
  • Most women are in a search for security! They are under the (wrong) impression. That the older man is more mature and stable. When us little girls were brought up we have always been told we need to find a man that can provide for a family and never go near those boys who look like they are going no where! But you could always find a way to rebut to her that I married a slacker with no ambition and we now have two children and he is now one of those mature guys
  • Cold hard cash (at least something is hard:)
  • Most women are in a search for security! They are under the (wrong) impression. That the older man is more mature and stable. When us little girls were brought up we have always been told we need to find a man that can provide for a family and never go near those boys who look like they are going no where! But you could always find a way to rebut to her that I married a slacker with no ambition and we now have two children and he is now one of those mature guys
  • Well, it's hard to like people that are exactly the same age as you, and younger men have the stigma of being "unprepared" for their needs (which is bullocks).
  • With you aware about this, I feel sad for young kid, give the young a chance or two so they can learn if screwed up, things. Be open.
  • I think guys mature more slowly than women, both biologically and socially. That is reason number one- a 30 year old guy could be about level with a 25 year old girl. That said, 2 of my girlfriends have been older than me. Always exceptions to the rule. Reason number two is that older guys tend to have more money and usually have their life in order. An older man who is mature, secure, and stable and a young, attractive woman is a natural match. I don't necessarily relish this, but it is true.
  • because we are smart... good looking ... and we last longer in bed!
  • because younger guys have less to talk about, I'm 24 and recently met a 40 year old who I could talk for hours on end with, about everything..politics, God, lol men and there wayward it's a great time when ever I'm around him. my ex boyfriend was 38 and even he though was still maturing.. so it is what it is doll, love is blind.
  • We know more. : D
  • Because older men have a better experience in life than younger men.
  • i'm 18 nd with a 38 yr old, nd i love him. hes not just after sex, we balance each other out. he knows how to make me feel special
  • Older men are more mature they know how please a woman
  • I have no idea...I've always dated younger men older( in general...there are definitely exceptions) men bore me
  • older men are more settled and financially secure. They are also better between the sheets.
  • daddy, daddy, daddy
  • i am always attracted to older men because they are more mature and they know how to teat you like a lady.
  • I think that some younger women are attracted to older men because of the factor of the father. If the father was never around or something like that, then maybe she's looking for that "man figure" she never had... or the stability. But if she had a good relationship with her father, then she's looking for the kind of one-on-one bond she had with him. If none of that applies... then sh*t... maybe she's just into a MATURE MAN!
  • I've always been attracted to older man, but I have no clue why. XD
  • I have always been attracted to older men. However, now that I am getting older myself, I'm looking at the geriatric set - the age where when we talk about lasting in bed, it means that when morning comes he's still breathing! Well, I married an older man because I thought he would be mature, stable, understanding ... Unfortunately, it turned out instead of being mature, he was just OLD! Mind you, at my age, the guys should start being more attractive to me, but all the younger girls are snapping them up! LOL
  • Financial stability. Knows how to please. Better toys to play with. You don't wait to see what they will do with their life, you already know. The older generation of guys knows how to fix cars. Build an addition on the house. Open a car door for you. No bunny-rabbit syndrome if ya know what I mean :)
  • They are looking for a father figure, or had a poor relationship with their father.
  • maturity level, it is said women mature faster than men...
  • They are past the game stage and usually are better conversationalists.
  • He's the most wonderful man I've ever known. Not only does he know exactly what I like and what I need, we can talk for hours about anything or nothing at all. I always thought I was born in the wrong year. A few decades to late. But we still found each other.
  • Every woman loves having someone who is intelligent, charming, accomplished, experienced and distingtuished. All these are qualities of men who have experienced life and experience comes with age.
  • older men carry magnets in their pockets and young women wear alot of metal.
  • Father thing? I love older men! I have rarely dated anyone my age they are usually a few years older. My husband is 5 years older. I grew up with two parents that are eleven years apart. But, other than that, I feel that many older men are more at my maturity level than men my own age.
  • My own experience has been because they are more comfortable with themselves. They don't come off as insecure or cocky. They have worldly and relationship experience, that hopefully they are wiser for, so there aren't games to be played. I also think the sterotype that they are more sexually experienced and skilled is hugely attractive to some women. it is to me.
  • i am too im not totally sure why i think maybe because with age some men become more confident and more knowledgable and have experienced more. i find that attractive cause i typically go for guys with a dominant personality. my s/o is a bit older than me and i find it hugely attractive because he wants to take care of me, has experienced so much so hes more interesting than some younger guys, is more experienced sexually, and is very dominant and confident. this is of course doesnt go for all older or younger guys, its just a generalization and what ive see in most guys ive known
  • Not only is it confidence, but it has been proven that woman are attracted to successful men, and success often comes with age and experience.
  • Me too girl! Young men, ages 16-28, are jerks, and they don't know anything. You can't have a decent conversation about anything meaningful with them. Anyway, judging from my Uncle, and one of my cousins, as well as numerous other men, I know, post 30, they are not even ready to settle down until like 35. The only thing is, and I have dated older men too, is that by that age, they may have X-wives and Kids, sometimes, so that may be a bit of a downside to dating older men. A lot of times they have more money to actually take you out, and treat you right. I think also, it's the feeling of being doted on, of being special, because, you are a young, hot, thing. It makes them feel good to, because they feel like they can teach you, and mentor you, it's a huge turn on for them, because they feel more in control. They want you to look up to them, not to sound sick, it may be a deep seated father figure issue, with you too. Your looking for that father figure, to protect you, and be kind to you, dote on you, like a father would. I know, I never met my father, nor grew up with older men in my life.
  • same I could ask why old men keep trying to hook up wit me, I got news for em, it isnt gonna happen
  • I think it just a thing, all people are different and like different things in life. So it is a question that can be answered in so many ways...
  • I think it's because older men seem to know more and exude a mature attitude which makes them more interesting and appealing. They give the feeling that they will take care of us, not the other way around.
  • It's hot, it's always been a fantasy of mine. Older men appreciate a young womens body so much more. Guys my age want twigs for girl friends but an older man loves the chest and hips that a women should have.
  • Because many women find in older men to be more mature and know what they want in life!
  • Because some women love raisins?
  • Where the hell are they? Phone numbers please!
  • Money?
  • I think it has to do with the maturity level.
  • sense of protection.i'm only 14 and I find myself thinking that alot of my friends have very good-lookin' daddys.
  • just feels right..i can't help it..been like this since i was 14
  • I would say their experience for me i love to be taught lol!!!!
  • if they weren't then those poor old dudes wouldn't be dating any young hot chick.
  • Money, cash, pound notes, kale... whatever.
  • Because they are more mature.Oh and they can teach you many things.
  • I like older men, They are more mature and better expireinced!
  • they are more mature and kno what they want
  • Women go into their prime later than men. Some don't want sexually driven relationship when they're younger, so they'll go for the older men because their prime is already over. It's the same reason why when older women go into their prime, they go for the younger and sexually driven men. It's all about the satisfaction.

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